Sentences with phrase «statewide primary»

A "statewide primary" is a voting process where all voters in a particular state choose the candidates who will represent their political party in the general election. It's a statewide contest that helps determine the best candidate for each party to run for important roles like governor or senator. Full definition
In May, we supported Texas REALTORS ® in statewide primary elections, helping a large majority of association - endorsed candidates win their primary races.
At - large and PLEO delegates were allocated proportionally based on statewide primary results.
So in June, Maine will hold the nation's first statewide primary election using ranked choice voting, a rarely used system championed by political reformers whereby voters get to rank their candidate preferences, rather than simply choosing their favorite.
While there are arguments to be made about the large party registration edge Democrats carry in the 12th and the fact that the special will coincide with statewide primaries where Democrats have far more competitive races than Republicans, the fact is that this is just the sort of culturally conservative swing district that the GOP must prove it can win to take back the House this fall.
Unofficial election results from the state's Board of Elections show only about 9.3 percent of the state's 5.8 million registered Democrats cast their ballots in the primary contest last night, the lowest turnout in a Democratic statewide primary in more than a decade.
The two honorees at their event last night was the Hotel Trades Council president Peter Ward, one of the most powerful labor leaders in New York City, and New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (who won his 2010 statewide primary with the help of Ward's union).
Democrats will have two extremely competitive statewide primaries for governor and Senate, contests sure to drive excitement (and turnout) among the party's base voters.
While Assembly Democrats would like statewide primaries to also be held on that date, Senate Republicans prefer an August primary.
The Republicans have now set themselves up for two statewide primary fights, both for US Senate seats.
Unexpectedly, the closest of the big statewide primaries was the GOP U.S. Senate context, in which the Establishment - and Trump - backed favorite, Representative Jim Renacci, fell short of a majority in defeating banker Mike Gibbons.
«This is a big reason why Mr. Perez, despite his superior name recognition, finished third, while Democratic candidates led the field in every other statewide primary.
Cynthia Nixon is not the only liberal Democrat to mount a long - shot statewide primary campaign this year.
The only statewide primary features three largely unknown candidates who want a shot at running against US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.
A competitive statewide primary at the top of a party's ticket almost always has a trickle - down turnout effect on down - ballot races.
Democratic primary candidates will compete in the taxpayer funded primary election on June 11, while the Republican nominee will be voted on by delegates of the Virginia Republican Party at the party - funded statewide primary convention on May 18.
Division of State Youth Development 1994 — 2001 Statewide Primary Prevention Services Coordinator Oversaw operations of a federally funded statewide independent living, mentoring and Tutoring program for foster child and young adults ranging from ages 8 - 23.
Turnout in statewide primaries is traditionally low.
Democratic statewide primaries have an unpredictable streak.
The GOP could very well come out of its convention with three — and possibly four — statewide primaries.
If no action is taken, the statewide primaries will automatically fall on September 11th this year.
At - large delegates were allocated to the winner of the statewide primary.
Thirty - four at - large delegates are bound to presidential contenders «winner - take-most» based on the statewide primary results.
The Senate and Assembly have not agreed on whether to hold a statewide primary to match the federal judge - ordered June primary.
Virginia Governor (D): The lone 2009 race on our Line, this primary has it all: a national hook in the form of former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe's candidacy, scads of money (also courtesy of McAuliffe) and a genuine geographic debate about just how powerful northern Virginia will be in the overall math of a statewide primary.
All 58 delegates from Arizona were bound by state law to support the winner of the statewide primary, Donald Trump, for one ballot at the convention.
Under state law, these delegates were required to vote on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention for the winner of the statewide primary.
Johnson will challenge at least seven other candidates — including New Jersey state Assemblyman John Wisniewski — for the Democratic nominee in a statewide primary.
After a federal judge ordered the congressional primary to be held in June 26, it seemed that ultimately would be the statewide primary date.
Minor party members who might have wanted to run for U.S. Senate in their own party's primary all were unable to get 500 signatures to appear on the statewide primary ballot, mostly because the deadline was Read more»
Despite a massive increase in turnout by Democrats in the statewide primaries held on March 5th, Texas Democrats still voted in significantly lower numbers than their Republican counterparts.
New York is scheduled to have three statewide primaries — in April for the presidency, in June for Congress and in September for the Legislature.
In Pennsylvania, Democrats have a 60,000 voter registration edge over Republicans and the special will take place on the same day as the statewide primary where Democrats have very competitive races for Senate and governor while there are few (if any) competitive statewide GOP primaries.
Turnout among Dem voters dropped precipitously in 3 statewide primaries on Tuesday, giving the party more evidence that their voters lack enthusiasm ahead of midterm elections.
[7] If the vacancy happened after the statewide primary, leaders of the respective party organizations within the Senate district can submit a list of nominees to be voted on by party leadership.
(CNN)-- Members of the Republican Party of Virginia's State Central Committee voted Friday to eliminate the statewide primary in favor of a party convention vote to choose its nominees in the upcoming 2013 campaign.
The special election will coincide with the June 3 Statewide Primary Election, which is rapidly approaching.
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