Sentences with phrase «statistical artifact»

A statistical artifact refers to a false or misleading result that occurs due to errors or biases in data analysis. It is a mistake or anomaly that can happen when interpreting data, leading to inaccurate conclusions or misunderstanding of the real phenomenon being studied. Full definition
And as we would soon see â $ «the fiscal balance will just be whatever it is â $ «a relatively uninteresting and irrelevant statistical artifact
That's why you have to stipulate that PDO is a mere statistical artifact or a consequence of ENSO.
When you look back on this moment in history, remember that the popular «Fed Model» was a statistical artifact, not a «fair value» relationship.
Of course, given that Shiller's raw CAPE is also much less reliable than our margin - adjusted variant, a decline in the Shiller CAPE, driven by a statistical artifact of its own construction, will not make stocks any less hypervalued.
Note the strong backing for Clinton from blacks and Hispanics, Jews and other Non-Christians (the unanimous Democratic vote here is a statistical artifact).
226/4: 00 Are genetic interactions influencing gene expression in humans evidence for biological epistasis or statistical artifacts?
The observed age - related effect may have been a statistical artifact driven by subgroup analysis.
School Size, Student Achievement, and the «Power Rating» of Poverty: Substantive Finding or Statistical Artifact?
It is a statistical artifact.
The assumed one - to - one correspondence between forward earnings yields and 10 - year Treasury yields is a statistical artifact of the period from 1982 to the late 1990's, during which U.S. stocks moved from profound undervaluation (high earnings yields) to extreme overvaluation (depressed earnings yields).
that cherrypicking RELIES on the misuse of statistical artifacts to «see» so called «trends» or «nontrends» which are totally expectable given the distributional characteristics of the temp distribution.
This is the result of a statistical artifact (the chladni patterns that everyone is talking about).
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