Sentences with word «statistically»

We can describe statistically by differential equations what happens in experiments, but we can not ascribe familiar attributes consistently to the inhabitants of the atomic world.
Statistically, there are gay kids sitting in those pews during those sermons.
Lader argued that since early abortions are statistically safer for the woman than childbirth, and since the morality of such abortions is a matter of religious and philosophical dispute, the state ought not to prevent women from having legal access to abortion services:
We have faced challenges that, statistically speaking, kill marriages.
So a spot survey (statistically insignificant) who in this thread identifies as right politically and non believer?
In the end, I can't argue any point by saying «I am right, because people who agree with me have a statistically significant tendency to be more intelligent than people who disagree».
The probability of this perfect calibration happening by chance is so tiny as to be statistically negligible.
I feel that it is statistically probable for life to arise in the right conditions, and that we are one of many intelligent species throughout the cosmos.
Statistically, people are more likely to listen to what you have to say than if you just condemn them and shout the gospel in their faces.
Statistically atheists are 7 times more likely to subject non atheist people to mass extermination.
Furthermore, studies of abortion rates in the U.S. states found that the level of welfare benefits failed to have a statistically significant impact on the incidence of abortion.
Indeed, there is a statistically significant (p <.05) association between religious salience, at the country level, and the percent of adults who are married, at the country level, even after controlling for region, urbanicity, gross national income per capita, and income inequality in these countries.
Also, calling anyone who does something terrible «crazy» or a «nut» is insulting to people with mental illnesses, who are statistically much more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.
Statistically, my IQ is in the top 1 %, actually a fraction of 1 %, and I believe in God, but that's not bragging rights.
Statistically, atheists and agnostics have more formal education than others and therefore inherently have a wider breadth of general knowledge and are more likely to question EVERYTHING, which makes it harder for them to believe in a higher power.
And statistically, many of those could have contained «good» creatures with god worshiping religious organizations of their own.
On the latter, the difference was in the same direction and statistically significant, though not so dramatic.
when you get into numbers, frequency, and factors in common, statistically, I have evidence for God,
The non-existence (or at least the statistically significant non-existence) of said strawman, of course matters not — when you believe something strongly enough.
In 1999, we are no longer reduced to «guessing» whether he was inspired or speaking only as a man: • adultery has lost its moral significance and become commonplace; • chastity has become a symbol of unhealthy development; • contraception in expectation of fornication is taught to children in the schools; • respect between the sexes has been replaced by mutual exploitation and / or competition; • marriage has lost its sacramental nature and its enduring promise; • statistically, divorce is common, teenage pregnancy is widespread, single parent and serially parented families increase, sexual disease is epidemic, intercourse is recreational, abortion is ubiquitous.
Statistically it is much more likely that we were created by other intelligent life than that we randomly evolved to this state.
Each of the six categories proved to be statistically unique in a wide array of psychological measures.
While it may not be universal, I suspect it is statistically supportable that the objection most atheists have to the existence of God is the idea of objective morality.
Statistically at least 2/3 of the world does not agree with you.
At least in my country, statistically speaking, an awful lot of them must be Christians (by name at least).
«The more statistically improbable a thing is, the less can we believe that it just happened by blind chance.
«I suspect it is statistically supportable that the objection most atheists have to the existence of God is the idea of objective morality.»
Overall, the entire field of Christian social ethics — liberationist or not — pays scandalously little attention to empirical data and social science, as when Karen Lebacqz cites the Hite Report as though it were a statistically representative sample of sexual attitudes and behaviors, or when Michael Novak draws simplistic comparisons between Japanese and Latin American political economies.
Atheist are statistically under the radar when it comes to crime and atheist are statistically doing just fine in society (ie; quality of life, education etc...).
Oh you statistically illiterate priest demagogue... What did you enlist, a telebank of teleoperators that called 100 households in Oklahoma??
It shows that although there is statistically significant evidence that individuals change their views to match those of the political party they support, the shift in attitudes is relatively slight.
Yet in view of its amazing growth in its first 150 years, it is not without interest to note that an LDS mathematician recently made a half - joking but statistically correct projection that «if Mormonism continues to grow in the United States at its present rate, and if the U.S. population continues to grow at its present rate, then in another 150 years when Mormonism celebrates its tricentennial, all the nation's citizens will be Mormons.»
As one wag put it, «It has been statistically demonstrated that most statistics are wrong.»
The algorithm of quantum mechanics then applies statistically to these phenomena.
The result of this interaction depends statistically upon the wave function.
It's because statistically terrorists that threaten me are more likely to espouse their beliefs than any others.
I am sure the secular world bad acts are statistically just as often.
Statistically proven by whom, and during what time period?
«Salvation» is a term that means a myriad of things in Scripture, and statistically, less than 1 % of them refers to eternal life or justification.
These conservatives showed a statistically significant increase over the last three years indicating greater, more positive beliefs regarding contraceptives than their liberal or moderate counterparts.
The thing I don't understand is why this is such a big deal since statistically a huge percentage of homosexual individuals are actually bisexual in behavior.
They are also statistically less likely to commit a crime or end up in prison than evangelicals.
Actually, it is statistically proven that periods of time which were most removed from religion or religious beliefs had the most murders, suicide, genocide, etc..
While I can not develop the argument here, I believe it makes sense to understand unilateral power as a special case arising out of the more basic relational power, much as determinism arises statistically out of subatomic indeterminancy.
Because the canonic and gnostic sides function both conceptually and statistically» as opposites, as do the charismatic and empiric sides, it is possible to display the world view pattern of a congregation in graphic form according to the x and y axes of a coordinate system.
What Ehrenreich could not imagine is that the five authors of Habits were all active members of their respective religious communities; she assumed — and statistically she would be right in her assumption — that we would be atheists.
If one considers the statistically significant size of the historical atheist set and contrasts it with the fact that not one in a thousand religious leaders have committed similarly large - scale atrocities, it is impossible to conclude otherwise, even if we do not yet understand exactly why this should be the case.
For instance, I will not show my atheism to random religious nuts because statistically, one of them will seek to harm me in some way.
That is about as statistically remote as finding alien life, albeit I still myself think it is out there.
Statistically, once families are formed, many reconsider the roots they fled.
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