Sentences with phrase «statutory service»

Child Maintenance Options can not help with individual statutory service cases.
The support available to kinship carers from local authorities and statutory services varies enormously.
Other deprived cities have council leaders who make «jaws of death» presentations about rising demand for service areas vs limited revenues that produce problems with the funding of statutory services.
Late on Friday afternoon, the county council's director of finance issued a section 114 notice imposing a ban on any new spending except for on statutory services.
• The new Gender Equality Duty (in the Equality Act 2006) requires statutory services to consider and meet the needs of both women and men.
«With so many of the cuts simply resulting in further pressure on the NHS or other statutory services, they are truly a false economy,» Mr Singer added.
Processes suspension notices and hold - in notices to adjust or maintain service based upon statutory service reduction provisions, and evaluates proposals for replacement service; and
Place2Be supports pupils with emotional and behavioural problems who often miss out on receiving adequate help from statutory services.
Examples may refer to any relevant support delivered or commissioned by a LA statutory service, including post-adoption support and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer.
The initiative has made many improvements in the way The Property Registry provides statutory services to customers,» says Barry Effler, registrar - general of Manitoba.
Of these, 90 % were in informal arrangements, in other words, outside the ambit of statutory services.
The joint survey by the NEU and the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) also reveals the extent to which schools are stepping in to fill the gaps left by the cuts to statutory services and voluntary and community organisations.
Some children told counsellors they are being directed to contact Childline after normal working hours by statutory services, such as child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) or local authority children's services in England.
The survey also revealed the extent to which schools are stepping in to fill the gaps left by the cuts to statutory services and voluntary and community organisations.
«Authorities are working closely with their school budget and support schools in their financial planning but all statutory services, including schools, will continue to be under immense pressure.»
Despite acknowledging their value, the UK government has not made school libraries a statutory service.
Dr Carol Homden, Coram's chief executive officer, said: «Charities can not, nor can they be expected to, fill the gaps left by limitations to a statutory service
Expert witnesses must also have significant knowledge of the Children and Families Act so that they are able to evaluate which statutory services will be reliably available for the child.
As a last resort, you could ask the statutory service to arrange child maintenance for you.
If this is too difficult the charge for the statutory service to calculate a maintenance payment will be # 20.
Child Maintenance is changing — charges are being introduced in 2014 for the use of the statutory service (previously the CSA, Child Support Agency).
These charges have been introduced to encourage parents to try to sort out their own arrangements without reverting to the statutory service by default.
If the statutory service gets involved in collecting the money or enforcing the payment there are additional charges.
Mediation is a statutory service commissioned by local authorities which is designed to help settle disagreements betw...
Once the statutory service has calculated the amount, it's up to you to agree with the other parent how and when money is paid.
When a payment is missed, the statutory service will contact the parent expected to pay child maintenance to find out why they haven't paid and arrange for them to pay what they owe.
The Government introduced fees and charges to encourage more parents to consider working together to arrange child maintenance, and because it believes both parents should contribute to the statutory service's running costs
You could ask the statutory service to arrange child maintenance on your behalf.
The statutory service can work out the total amount of child maintenance that should be paid for all the children involved.
Among other things, the Act authorises the statutory services to work out and collect child maintenance.
If you have a statutory service case and you're worried about missing a payment, you should contact the service straight away.
If you can't reach agreement with the other parent and make a child maintenance arrangement by yourselves, the Government runs a statutory service that can arrange child maintenance on your behalf.
The statutory service managing your case will collect and pass on payments.
But if a parent doesn't pay, the other parent can ask a statutory service or the courts to arrange child maintenance.
To work out child maintenance amounts, the statutory service uses information about the paying parent's circumstances.
The statutory services have the power to force the sale of property or belongings, register child maintenance arrears as debt and even, through the courts, confiscate driving licences and imprison parents who avoid paying.
This means that receiving parents can not ask the statutory services to collect child maintenance from before this date.
A financial arrangement using a statutory service, where the service managing the case arranges payments between parents.
The statutory service can work out a legally enforceable child maintenance amount, then collect child maintenance payments from the paying parent and pass them on to the receiving parent.
The main difference between a Direct Pay or Maintenance Direct arrangement and a family - based arrangement is that the statutory service decides on the amount — and this means it's legally binding.
A financial arrangement using a statutory service which allows parents to choose a method of payment.
If so, you will pay a # 20 application fee and the statutory service will calculate how much child maintenance should be paid.
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