Sentences with phrase «staunch opposition against»

Not exact matches

McIntyre never softened his stand against modernism, neo-evangelicalism, or Billy Graham, but his staunch opposition to Catholicism was qualified in one respect.
Conservative backbench opinion is hardening against Mr Lansley making dramatic retreats in the face of staunch Liberal Democrat opposition.
There's a variety of factors why Cuomo fares so poorly in some of these districts, ranging from staunch opposition SAFE Act to his truculent relationship with public - worker labor organizations (never mind that Tkaczyk, a Democrat who narrowly won her race by 18 votes in 2012, did not cast a vote for or against the legislation considering her race had not been resolved at that point).
Beyond Black Mountain, Tworkov became Rauschenberg's «staunch ally, exerting himself on Rauschenberg's behalf,» [xiii] and managed «against considerable opposition from other artists to get one of Rauschenberg's black paintings into the First Stable Annual [1952].»
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