Sentences with phrase «stay out of this»

This is why I think the American system is better — the government is supposed to stay out of the argument altogether, and let the arguments play themselves out.
If you would kindly stay out of our government, our courts, our school, our medicine and our bedrooms then you would never hear from us atheists again.
German citizens during Word War II who tried to stay out of the mess, who failed to stand up for the Jews, were actually helping the Nazi's.
«The government must stay out of hiring and firing decisions by a religious organization, even if a minister sues for employment discrimination, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday.
Separation of church and state means that churches stay out of government and government stays of churches and when one crosses the other, then it becomes public.
Your religion doesn't even have any say over whether someone who doesn't subscribe to it can commit murder (we have laws to cover that, but your religion should stay out of it).
Poorer kids spend their summers hoping to stay out of trouble — or playing Minecraft.
Stay out of my government while you're at it.
I don't advocate getting rid of religion per say just for it to stay out of the publics business, the fact is religion can't seem to do that.
I am not saying we should stay out of politics or throw up our hands in despair.
Are Christians called to participate in elections or stay out of politics?
It's right there in his autobiography: Graham's friendship with Nixon «muffled those inner monitors that had warned me for years to stay out of partisan politics.»
I tried to stay out of the discussion as much as possible to see what they thought about such things.
If we stay out of their territory, the will not have further incentive to attack ours.
But the sad thing is, religious people won't stay out of my life.
Unfortunately the Church has a rather poor record of responding to freedom by building systems, rules and structures to «help» us stay out of trouble.
If religious people sought help on their own, I'd stay out of it.
If you want to stay behind, be our guests, just stay out of our way.
Which leads me to wonder, first, whether Christianity really is so weak in Tennessee that it needs the coercive power of the government to maintain itself, and, second, whether the commitment to limited government of Tennessee's Republicans is so thin that it does not require the state to stay out of our individual decisions concerning where (and whether) to pray, and to whom.
BTW, I think Unca Suga should stay out of it and legalize.
They apply proof - texts to support a paradigm in which women submit to their husbands, stay out of church leadership, and find their ultimate calling in the home as mothers... while ignoring those passages that instruct women to cover their heads when they pray, call their husbands «master,» and function as the property of their fathers and husbands.
highplainsperson, please do stay out of the voting booth.
Our country believes that the government should stay out of religion thereby giving us the freedom to practice any religion we want.
Even today, as countless studies show, greater political activity characterizes those Protestant groups with the more «republican» religion; groups asserting «the church should stay out of politics» are those whose Christianity rests less easy with religious liberty or the democratic regime generally.
You say government needs to stay out of religion — I agree, but that should include eliminating unique benefits like tax breaks, etc..
The only way to do that is to stay out of it.
And religion certainly needs to stay out of government — our founders saw the unfortunate results of official religious bigotry in Europe and wisely saw the need to steer way clear of official religion in America.
Spend your time pouring into to someone personally or in prayer where your time does matter and stay out of the comment areas of news sites.
The wall of separation actually exists to PROTECT religious freedom by keeping politics and political influences OUT of religion and religious expressions, but the caveat is that religion has to then stay out of politics as well and not ask for political influence (such as public funds).
IF you want to stay out of school on your holidays, go to a Muslim Nation.
attack the issue or stay out of it thanks
People like those responsible for 9/11 should, out of simple decency, stay out of the area.
They want the «gubmint» to stay out of their private lives, but think it's just fine to tell women they HAVE no right to privacy.
The organization does everything in its power to stay out of the way of the individual's path and will suffer the consequences for the rights of that person.
As it seems that everyone responsible for 9/11 was a man, I think it only reasonable that all men should stay out of New York City, away from the Pentagon, and away from Pennsylvania.
So please stay out of my backyard and let me practice my Protestant work ethic... Make all you can... save all you can... give away all you can.
Another Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said he had great respect for Justin Welby and his work but suggested he should stay out of Brexit talks.
That may be an indelicate way of putting the matter, especially for Protestants who think human authority of any kind should stay out of the way of divine revelation.
They can't stay out of other peoples business.
I tried to stay out of the discussion as much as possible, because I didn't want to guide the discussion into what my Bible College, Seminary, and years of pastoral experience had taught me.
«We really don't know what we're doing, so we try to stay out of God's way,» says Swoverland, echoing a statement repeated so often it's almost creedal.
Your point is not well taken most of the atheist do not hate religions at all, if the devout would just stay out of trying to run other peoples lives there would be no conflict.
Funny this guy is a false prophet, I am not a religious person but during my life I did try to find a religion tried many, and the one verse I always remember is (stay out of her my children) meaning stay out of the gov and not mix - it into your faith, the one religion that sticks to this are jehovah's witness.
They'll employ those words «literal» and «interpretations» to all the varying degrees to stay out of their own frying pan.
Stay out of our lives!
I really hope that the GOP catches up on domestic issues and realizes that religion needs to stay out of politics, because I and many others believe that Small government where the majority of power is left to the states is the superior form of government, and there is nothing wrong with that.
You don't want people stepping in to your personal life, then have some respect and stay out of others lives.
Stay out of our bedrooms and our marriages and we'll be fine.
Found this, which corresponds to my understanding based on my reading of several histories of that time period, namely that we more or less just ignored it in a somewhat vain attempt to stay out of WWII.
If religious people stay out of politics and other aspects of public interest then I would say they are free to do as they please, but when they want to push their beliefs on the rest us and completely disregard the facts at the expense of our health and our planet then they become dangerous and must be challenged.
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