Sentences with phrase «staying in bed»

My ideal weekend looks like staying in bed until three and going around the corner to my favorite sushi spot so I can be back within the hour.
Easy mornings of sleeping in and staying in bed to drink coffee are over with two early - rising kids, but that doesn't mean our Saturdays aren't any fun!
Think of this number as the energy you'd burn by staying in bed for one day.
Plus, staying in bed for too much of the day, especially during the wintertime, can be a sign of depression.
When you're barely awake and have to choose between working out and staying in bed for another hour, there's a good chance the snooze button will win.
According to the researchers, this means that getting a dog is a great way to motivate yourself to stay active, particularly on those cold winter days when you're at risk for staying in bed watching Netflix.
Mental tactics can make a difference between staying in bed and making Pump class.
Bedbugs are not staying in bed.
Some people find that they get better by staying in bed, drinking plenty of water and taking over the counter flu medication.»
Growing up I remember waking up on Saturdays and staying in bed reading books all morning long.
I'd like to make the change as late as we can to avoid some of the issues you mentioned (staying in bed, running around, etc).
This can be hard for many people that suffer with severe depression, but it is important to recognize that staying in bed all day actually makes depression worse rather than better.
It's also common for toddlers to stop staying in bed and falling asleep much later, trying to tell you, «I'm not tired!»
Usually these manners consist of cooperating at bedtime, lying in bed quietly and staying in bed all night.
Either way he is staying in bed till after the green light so it's all good.
Rewards work well for behaviors like staying in bed after being tucked in or putting the dishes on the counter after dinner.
He wants a new toy, so we told him he had to earn it with going to bed and staying in bed.
If your child has trouble staying in bed, Dr. Ferber offers a somewhat radical suggestion: Install a gate in the doorway of your child's bedroom to retain the «control» of the crib bars.
I honestly only shower at night after they are for sure in bed and staying in bed because otherwise, I would never get to shower.
The concept of staying in bed all night long and not leaving their room, is not cognitively established in children until at least two - and - a - half - years - old.
Rather in the morning reward your child for staying in bed with stickers or a star on his reward chart.
My youngest is now staying in our bed.
Most three year olds can follow basic instructions and understand why staying in bed is important.
He'll make progress — falling asleep on his own or staying in his bed — until 5 - 7 days into the training and BAM!
If your child is having trouble staying in his bed through the night or has suddenly started exhibiting a number of bad behaviors such as talking back, being defiant, or throwing tantrums, there may be a reason for his change in behavior.
Babies and toddlers may not be developmentally ready to understand boundaries like staying in bed.
Your toddler will no longer be confined to the crib by a wall of slats and it may take some time for her to get used to staying in bed at night.
Staying in bed all day isn't necessary, but a sick child should take it easy.
I included items like staying in bed, brushing teeth and keeping underpants dry.
As pregnancy progresses, the sleeping habits become weird, and you find yourself staying in bed longer than before which will raise the dog's alarm.
Whether it's staying in bed or cleaning up or whatever the issue, make it a team effort and come up with a game plan ahead of time.
I am so bad for staying in bed till the last minute!
She remembers staying in bed for 2 days non-stop feeding me!
If you go into this equipped with the understanding that your easy to put to bed twins might all of the sudden start coming up with a litany of reasons that prevent them from getting in and staying in bed, you're going to be in a better place.
Whether it's giving away their vegetables, unbuckling their carseats, or not staying in bed, parents are familiar with The Polite (and Non-Polite) Refusal.
I decided that staying in bed was a better option than going to church.
You can scare kids into staying in bed telling them there are monsters under the bed.
Under new rules just introduced by the Obama administration, companies contracting with the federal government are now obliged to allow both full and part - time workers to accrue paid leave which they can use for anything from preventative doctor's visits, to staying in bed and sipping chicken soup, to caring for an ill family member.
«I'm lucky that my husband has a flexible schedule — one we've shifted to accommodate his love for the early morning hours and my preference to stay in bed... Even if I'm not putting my work at the center of this time, starting out with quiet time always pays dividends later in the day.»
«I wake up at seven in the morning and stay in bed listening to the «Zen» Pandora station for a few minutes before walking over to the yoga mat to stretch.
She nursed most of the day and we just stayed in bed.
Drink fluids, stay in bed.
I tended to just stay in bed.
I stayed in bed, silent, feeling her move within me, like faith, a flutter of a presence, growing.
The commitment serves to motivate me to overrule my desire (give up my freedom) to stay in bed or sit on the couch.
Sometimes it's just easier to stay in bed.
Makes you want to just stay in bed & watch movies all day.
I'd rather stay in bed a little longer under my warm, thick comforter with three cats snuggled against my legs.
just wanted to stay in bed for long.
I guess you already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, everyone knows that, but still sometimes we prefer to stay in bed a couple of minutes longer until is too late to have a proper breakfast.
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