Sentences with phrase «staying up all night»

One Redditor, JpDeathBlade stayed up all night cataloging every piece of breaking news.
And they've stayed up nights analyzing reams of data and finding patterns and anomalies in numbers.
Don't stay up all night watching movies, or waiting for someone to get upset about a Knee Defender.
Clicking a link lets you join; staying up all night helping load trailers to meet a ship date lets you belong.
A month away from the election, the Republican presidential nominee stayed up all night tweeting about an alleged Miss Universe sex tape.
It took me staying up all night and reaching near exhaustion to get fed up enough to seek a new solution to hiring.
Each night, I had more reading and homework than could possibly get done in one evening even if I stayed up all night.
Then, since Justice didn't have any such documents, he'd write them, often staying up all night, since many of the agents were eight or more time zones away.
If you're hoping to munch on a midnight snack, this sweet treat shouldn't make the cut unless you're hoping to stay up all night.
They stayed up all night, according to the story, won the carmaker's business — and left it to others to clean up the mess and wrap a pretty administrative bow on it.
«What kind of man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?»
PsyBlog explains the research on the subject: «In the study, one group of participants were allowed to get a full nights» sleep, while another had to stay up all night.
You've heard the story before — the one about the entrepreneur who stays up all night, sleeps less than four hours, then gets up at the crack of dawn to crush another 80 - hour workweek.
«Even though it's fun to stay up all night, maybe taking a red - eye flight, if I have to be creative I need seven hours.
«It's easy to imagine why company brand managers would stay up all night or wake up in a cold sweat,» said Karl Gerth, an academic and author of a book on Chinese consumer behavior.
As you'd expect, sleep researchers are eager to stress that this isn't license to stay up all night for weeks on end.
A study at the University of London found that participants who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced IQ score declines that were similar to what they'd expect if they had smoked marijuana or stayed up all night.
Because stock prices at the market open tend to be higher than the price at the previous day's close, you don't actually have to stay up all night and trade on an electronic network to rack up overnight gains.
They'd stayed up all night at an employee «hack - a-thon» to celebrate the big day when Facebook was finally going public, in what might have been the most anticipated initial public offering in history.
But I remember staying up all night reading the entire backlog of Girl Meets Debt (miss that site!)
You guys (C N N) must have stayed up all night trying to figure out how to turn the empty chair into a positive metaphor for Obama... It must be hard, day in and day out, trying to paint Obama as a success vs the unmitigated disaster that he is.
Maybe we'll talk about Naples and Riadoso, that one field somewhere in the middle of Kansas where we had a picnic after I met your parents, oh, and the Silverthorne Village Inn on the winter nights of Colorado when we sneaked out of the communal condo and stayed up all night, talking, over terrible coffee.
The children were reared on the graveyard shift, with the family staying up all night and going to sleep at 4 am, Mr Hestrin said.
For many of his students and friends, though, nothing on paper quite captures the Hans Frei we knew, and loved: the devoted teacher; the faithful friend; a man stubborn about his ideas but genuinely, sometimes unnervingly, modest about himself; prone nervously to stay up the night before a presentation to rewrite his lecture.
Are you seriously so childish that your best argument is the equivalent to «Jimmy gets to stay up all night, why can't I?»
It was nine years ago this week that Kevin Malone stayed up all night pressing onions and dicing whole tomatoes, in preparation for sharing with his coworkers the thing in...
I'm sure some of you stay up all night and spend all weekend working too, it's definitely a choice you make when you decide to start your own business, and I think it's important to note that you're absolutely not alone in that!
Wowwers... I just read your book, actually stayed up all night when camping with a head lamp glued to my head drooling over these recipes only to wake up and eat camp fire food:)
I remember staying up all night after Christmas Eve dinner putting together a play kitchen AND a train table!
Know that I will stay up all night to make sure you make it home safely.
It had mostly good reviews so that's why I tried it and I usually don't write reviews on recipes unless I feel I should warn other unsuspecting bakers who stay up all night like myself at the last minute to make a cake.
Often, after I'd stay up all night studying, I'd stroll a couple of blocks to get a piping hot freshly baked bagel at the crack of dawn.
We can stay up all night snacking on spinach dip and veggies, gabbing about how awesome asparagus is and how we're going to eat eleventy million heirloom tomatoes once they're in season... Just me?
Don't stay up all night reading the whole series, kids, ha ha.
Then the 2016 Home Run Derby happened, and it reinforced all of the points that I was going to make with the big, long feature, so I stayed up all night and wrote and wrote and wrote.
He is now married to his fourth wife, and says that it was not until he turned 35 that he realized, «I couldn't stay up all night partying and then do a decent job the next day.
No longer does he think he has to stay up all night looking at film.
I'm not mad that I stayed up all night to watch this fight.
He has 4 minutes to go to the loo or take on food and fluids, this is the only chance we get to treat him so you can imagine it is tough on the support team also to stay up all night
Husband gets up for work as I am finishing cleaning the bathroom, and gives me a look like he's annoyed that I am staying up all night again....
And it gave me the fuel I needed to stay up another night with a newborn!
They complained heavily about being exhausted from staying up all night trying different sleep - training techniques.
«If your child throws up all over your bed, are you or the father going to clean it up, stay up all night with a crying child, then go to work the next day?
To reach a 15 - year - old, try this: «If your child throws up all over your bed, are you or the father going to clean it up, stay up all night with a crying child, then go to work the next day?
It can be tempting for teens to stay up all night and sleep all day on the weekends and during school vacations.
I stayed up all that night and the next day, and didn't sleep until I was home in my own bed.
Staying up all night and sleeping all day.
In the olden days I'd stay up all night by choice!
It was an adjustment getting Patrick on a sleep schedule that didn't involve him staying up all night and sleeping all day.
I swore off co-sleeping even before she was born, but I'm starting to have an open mind, especially since I'm staying up all night with a baby attached to my breast!
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