Sentences with phrase «steadily over the past century»

Production has declined steadily over the past century in favour of spirits and beer.
A review of the statistics shows that despite spending on public education growing steadily over the past century, America's primary and secondary education achievements are mediocre.

Not exact matches

In 1987, for example, turnout inequality by class was almost non-existent and age - based differences were significantly lower; cleavages in both have steadily risen over the past quarter century.
While average life expectancy has been rising steadily in most countries over the past century, new research led by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that life expectancy declined significantly and rapidly in three countries where policy changes increased access to prescription opioids, alcohol or illicit drugs.
This once important lake has seen its problems grow steadily worse as population and water use have increased over the past century.
The notion that student learning has remained somewhat stagnant over the past century, though the country has spent steadily more real resources on education, is a matter of profound concern.
Abrupt climate change on the other hand was thought to have happened only in the distant past and so climate was expected to evolve steadily over this century in response to ordered climate forcing.
Indeed, the first point made in this Skeptical Science article is «A variety of different measurements find steadily rising sea levels over the past century.».
I believe that this might already be happening because average house sizes, for example, have been steadily declining in Europe and the UK and while Australia (where I live) is by far the largest, I note that the average size of building lots here have steadily declined over the past century.
Sea level there has been rising steadily at 2.3 mm / year over the past century.
See for example, Moreover, in spite of claims that Bangladesh is increasingly vulnerable to climate change, it's population, GDP and agricultural productivity have risen steadily over the past half century — a fact that is difficult to reconcile with the story of so many displaced Bangladeshis as heard by millions of listeners to Radio 4.
The number and intensity of storms in North Carolina has been steadily increasing over the past century.
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