Sentences with phrase «steady run for»

I am ectomorph and currently steady run for just over 30 minutes 4 x a week.

Not exact matches

The recent hot run for airline stocks has coincided with another period of low oil prices (see chart below) and steady economic growth, leaving some to wonder whether aviation's sad history will repeat itself.
Walking away from a promising, steady long - term opportunity for something unpredictable is scary — especially if you've never run a business before.
You can talk for days before it runs out of battery, its call quality is steady, and its screen is well - sized for what it is.
If you are in a stable, secure marketplace, with a business that has a steady revenue stream, pay off investors, find someone you trust to run it for you, while you use the remaining cash to develop your next great idea.
Starting your own ecommerce business is probably the best way to generate a steady stream of passive income but it can also be the most daunting, leaving many first - time entrepreneurs running for the hills.
There's no way to tell for sure, but we hypothesize that running out of money, team breakups, and other factors are the primary reason for the precipitous drop - off between Seed and Series A, whereas acquisitions and reaching financial sustainability are larger drivers of the more steady declines in matriculation after Series A.
A steady stream of cigars and bourbon, both of which run obbligato - like through this book, provided fortification for the task.
As for the grill option, if you are able to keep the temperature steady I don't see why it wouldn't work — maybe a test run would be a good idea first though!
And while the home run rate has remained steady, that's ignoring that the home run rate for everybody else shot into the atmosphere.
Forecasts expect steady rain for Saturday's quali session at Albert Park, and this is likely to influence the running order of teams that we haven't even fully realised just yet.
Arsenal were a bit more steady defensively for Ospina's run in the team, so maybe it's not a fair comparison just at the moment.
Slow and steady, Swaney outscored the pair — and for one magical qualifying run, she didn't finish last.
While the year's two most heralded sprinters were running their 9.4 s under ideal conditions in Modesto, a steady 24 - hour rainfall was flooding the track on New York City's Randalls Island, washing out Friday's trials at the IC4A meet for the first time in 85 years and with them the chance for Villanova University's Frank Budd to prove that he was in a class with his West Coast contemporaries.
Saturday, the first day of the run for the pole, dawned to low, black skies and a cold, steady rain that didn't end until mid-afternoon.
We watched that huge numbers of the strollers that are made for strolling and in addition running were a great deal more steady, making them more hard to move when running.
But it has been Maragos who has been a steady candidate for the better part of a year now and, after the decision by businessman Marc Cenedella not to run, remains the most viable GOP candidate heading into the state convention on March 16.
«Similar to national numbers, New York has shown a steady increase, slow, but an increase in black women running for office, which shows there's an opportunity to build a long - term strategy,» she continued.
That's a problem for a governor whose core political narrative is steady competence — that he makes the trains run on time and can wring accomplishments from a legislature split along party lines.
Since the man Queens party boss Congressman Joe Crowley picked for the seat, Assemblyman David Weprin, lost to Republican Bob Turner, Assemblyman Lancman has kept up a steady stream of criticism of the new congressman, potentially portending a run against him next year.
That may seem a mere blink of an eye, but it is far longer than other efforts with the technique and shows for the first time that it is possible to hold the gas in a steady state — the researchers stopped only when their machine ran out of juice.
WASHINGTON — Led by Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, President Donald Trump's nominee for NASA chief came under a steady attack by Democrats on Wednesday, even as he promised to run the space agency on a consensus agenda driven by science.
One is steady - state cardio, the type you will get just running on the treadmill, at the same speed from start to finish, for an hour a day.
Long, steady rides that last for miles will help challenge endurance, doing short interval sprints with resistance will challenge aerobic strength by benefiting sprint strength, and hill climbing will help strengthen the quads and glutes, which are muscles that are also used in running
If you're looking to take preventive measures against injury, make sure not to avoid overtraining, make progress slow and steady (for example, don't run 3 miles one week and 8 the next), and get enough sleep.
Especially in the cold weather, a run is very meditative for me — hearing each foot strike and a steady breath can be extremely grounding.
Maintain: «Aim for at least one session a week where your heart rate is consistently elevated — like a one - hour run or bike ride at a steady pace — and aim for at least one where your heart rate is up and down, like interval or sprint training,» says Hunt.
For the perfect all - round outdoor plan, add a 30 - minute steady state run after the workout.
And because the body digests the fat more slowly than the carbs, this diet will have a more satiating effect and keep you fuller for a longer period of time, not to mention provide you with a source of steady energy levels which will power you through a workout session or a long run.
Two days a week should be done for low - intensity, steady - rate cardio exercise, like rowing, running, swimming, elliptical, depending on what you enjoy doing.
Any type of LISS (Low Intensity Steady State Cardio) activity, such as walking, jogging or running is ideal for waking up the entire body and getting you into the right mindset.
In other words, steady - state training strengthens your heart muscle and increases your ability to produce ATP for energy, allowing you to run harder for farther.
The old days of boxers getting up at 5 am to do an hour of steady paced running are long gone and the reason is because sports science has shown that mixed martial arts and boxing fights are not steady paced but explosive in nature and require the ability to fight intensely for a number of seconds before a brief rest bite and then full intensity again.
Cardio (short for «cardiovascular training») is a form of aerobic exercise (as opposed to anaerobic,) and includes both «steady - state» activities — think running, biking or swimming at a steady pace — and high - intensity activity like HIIT training or Tabata workouts (which can ALSO be done while you're running, biking or swimming, but also in other ways which I'll talk more in a bit...).
My typical run is a steady nine - or 10 - minute mile, trodding along on the treadmill for a couple of miles max.
I tend to leave my steady - state runs for the beautiful outdoors.
So my «trainer» Has me doing the step mill 5 days a week HIIT for 40 mins and run steady for 40 mins 2 days and 4 times of HIIT class.
Hi Hannah, I would swap out your HIIT sprints for steady state running, and try to add in some more power walking into your days because it's really good for slimming down your legs.
High intensity workouts like the three above are key to changing your body, reducing belly fat by up to 11 % faster than normal steady - state working out (like running at a steady pace for 30 minutes straight).
Training at > 90 % of maximum heart rate for 20 minutes of intermittent (interval) training is high intensity training, but running for 45 minutes, steady - state cardio at > 80 % of maximum heart rate is also intense training of another type.
Instead of jogging at a steady pace for 60 mins or running for 44 mins you can reduce your work out to 25 mins by incorporating intervals.
This is a popular way of maximizing a treadmill routine and getting the same results in a shorter amount of time as running at a steady speed for a longer duration.
This way you wont waste time wondering what to do (should you do long and steady or HIIT, should you do hills, how long should you run for etc) or whether what you are doing is going to get you the results you want.
So I have been following your advice on steady - running for lean legs.
I would aim for 2 - 3 longer distance steady state runs per week (keep the speed the same the entire run).
I would try doing as much walking as you can, do steady state running a few times per week, and then for resistance training, do this style here which shouldn't build muscle in your legs.
I would try to limit the sprinting to once per week and do steady state cardio for your other runs xx
For steady state running, I would aim for somewhere between 10 - 12 km / hr:)For steady state running, I would aim for somewhere between 10 - 12 km / hr:)for somewhere between 10 - 12 km / hr:) xx
Are you suggesting that just doing a steady - state running / biking session around 156 bpm is better for developing aerobic capacity?
Running is great for your cardiovascular health, but most people don't realize you don't need to be running at a steady - state pace for long periods of time in order to get a good wRunning is great for your cardiovascular health, but most people don't realize you don't need to be running at a steady - state pace for long periods of time in order to get a good wrunning at a steady - state pace for long periods of time in order to get a good workout.
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