Sentences with phrase «steaming pile of dung»

If the giant ape - like monster Congalala farts on you — or worse, throws a steaming pile of dung at your hunter — you will get Stench, which prevents your hunter from using items until the Stench clears.
It seems most people conducting these experiments wrap their food very carefully in sealed vessels and / or multiple layers of foil — yet I am sure there will be plenty of people who aren't too keen on food cooked inside what is essentially a steaming pile of dung.
Anyone who defends that steaming pile of dung is just another butt kissing fanboy.
If «hot» translates to «fresh, steaming pile of dung», I'm inclined to agree.
Christianity is the largest fraud ever perpetuated on mankind, and it is high time we called it the steaming pile of dung that it is.

Not exact matches

Russ, the whole Jesus - on - a-cross sacrifice thing, a core premise of your religion, is a steaming pile of bull dung.
Superstars didn't just drop the ball, it falls over, face first, into a steaming pile of horse dung.
While young kids may find the movie slightly entertaining, adults will absolutely cringe at this steaming pile of bear dung.
The one bright ray I always find when contemplating such a steaming pile of cognitive dung is that at least it makes my job a bit easier.
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