Sentences with phrase «stellar motions»

The width of the absorption lines from the stars or the radio emission lines from the gas in a galaxy depend on the amount of stellar motion in the galaxy.
It will detect stellar motions as slight as three feet per second toward or away from us, about the speed of a person walking.
By employing computer simulations of stellar motions and distances, and comparing them with visible - light observations, the team finds evidence for just this sort of gravitational stirring.
The first three - dimensional map of stellar motion in our galactic neighbourhood shows that stars are all shaken up, and hints that the galaxy is undulating like a flag in a breeze.
A half a century later, Edwin Hubble enlarged that question from one about stellar motion to the origin and history of the universe itself.
However, because the inner Milky Way is such a crowded environment, it has always been a challenge to disentangle stellar motions to probe the bulge in detail.
As part of a large survey of possible planet - hosting stars, Lovis and his colleagues used the powerful HARPS (for High Accuracy Radial - Velocity Planet Searcher) spectrograph at La Silla Observatory in Chile, 2,400 meters above sea level, which can detect stellar motions with precisions of less than one meter per second, roughly the walking speed of a human being.
[79][80] He soon realized this system was likely to have a high proper motion, [81][82][67] In this case, the apparent stellar motion was found using Nicolas Louis de Lacaille's astrometric observations of 1751 — 1752, [83] by the observed differences between the two measured positions in different epochs.
The distances of individual stars in a moving group may be determined if their radial velocities and proper motions are known (see below Stellar motions) and if the exact position of the radiant is determined.
Stellar motions in the core of the giant galaxy do indeed suggest that it may have experienced a black hole merger in the not - too - distant past, says Gebhardt.
To someone not in the field of exoplanets the talks and debates may have resembled science fiction: giant space telescopes, rockets and spacewalks, hyper - precise measurements of stellar motion, search...
Furthermore the stellar motions differs markedly between the two main types: In the Milky Way and in other disk - shaped galaxies stars rotate with a regularity that is predictable — whereas stellar motions in elliptic - shaped galaxies can be seen as rather more chaotic, says Sune Toft: «Here the stars seem to be all over the place, to move in all directions.
Gatewood takes a somewhat different approach, one that relies on direct observation of stellar motion.
This stellar motion can be detected as a very slight wobble, known as a Doppler shift.
Those stellar motions can reveal the presence of unseen planets whose gravitational influence produces periodic patterns of motion in the host star's position.
The new Hubble measurements of the stellar motions have further strengthened the evidence for this.
Combined with computer simulations of stellar motions, this points toward the existence of an IMBH of roughly 2,200 solar masses within the cluster.
[70] These stellar motions were unknown to ancient astronomers.
To someone not in the field of exoplanets the talks and debates may have resembled science fiction: giant space telescopes, rockets and spacewalks, hyper - precise measurements of stellar motion, search for alien life, exploration of volcanism on exoplanets, laser - combs, starshades, and other Earths across the Galaxy were just a few of the topics that were debated.
Stellar motions are especially useful because these can lead astronomers to something they can not see: dark matter, an invisible component that is vastly more abundant than ordinary matter across the cosmos.
For a smaller subset of ten stars, chosen among those with the smallest errors, the astronomers could also retrieve from the literature an estimate of the radial velocity, which quantifies the stellar motion along the line of sight.
On December 12, 2007, astronomers using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) announced that observation and analysis of the stellar motion and spectra of 20,000 stars in the luminous halo indicated that the luminous halo is composed a mix of two distinct components rotating in opposite directions (SDSS news release; Texas Tech University press release; and Carolo et al, 2007).
«Through the eyes of Todd Haynes, the story transforms into a stellar motion picture that tells its tale more through actions and mannerisms than it does through dialog.
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