Sentences with phrase «stellar players»

He hasn't built a boom and bust club, we have a sustainable financial model that means we will be able to carry on bringing in stellar players for the foreseeable future.
Let the media rumour mill do its job and do not deny any rumours so arsenal are linked to many stellar players.
It shows undeniably that «spending big» on stellar players does not guarantee anything, as LC continue to highlight perfectly.
Completely forgotten is the fact that several not - so - stellar players from the AL have recently found stardom in the «other» league.
If Arsene Wenger fails to win the Pl after not making a significant stellar player signing I believe he should go.Waiting for injured players to return in February and the time it takes to get match fit is a month plus to long.Its not as though we haven't the funds.At least make the effort.
Ajayi Bielik Zelalam Niles Crowley Graiciar Are these 40 stellar players challenging for the EPL + ECL?
I think I posted before why I think is a transition: New coach, stellar player out, captain out, new style for older players to get used to, new staff, new portion of the stadium, new players, most got them inherited by the coach, he had no say in the selection....
We should not underestimate the importance of this news reported by The Mirror either, because in a club like Madrid that is full of stellar players and their egos, the ability to work well with them and have them give their best on the pitch week in and week out is half the job.
While I would like more physicality as well as running, to be honest if we were talking Ramsey 2013, then he is a better player, and better partner for xhaka than any of even those stellar players on that list.
We have all seen what our manager is capable of doing when having decent funds work with, just look at the years before 2003 where he brought some stellar players in and we went on to win 49 unbeaten games, not to mention the League and F.A cup multiple times.
They're both stellar players, either one would be a deserving winner
Wenger failed quite a lot of projects at Arsenal, but the stellar players we got in January and a new staff of younger people with great connections across Europe, I don't see him standing tall for much longer.
Having stellar players is a guarantee of nothing more than an excessively big wage bill.
But that hasn't prevented England producing some stellar players over the last two decades.
After a former local boy who left for the big city (Azaria, Mystery Men) writes about the stellar players of his hometown, all hockey eyes are on them, and soon an exhibition game between the Mystery boys and the World Champion New York Rangers professiona NHL hockey team is underway.
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