Sentences with phrase «step during the crash»

Not exact matches

Our third step is to compare the number of mini flash crashes during the test window to the number of mini flash crashes in Control Period 2, which contains all three - minute window during throughout normal trading hours during the same 10 proceeding weekdays.
The three - step crash - test below can give you a sense of how your retirement plans might fare during a major market downturn, and help you take steps to avert disaster.
While in metropolitan areas such as Toronto, Ontario it may be difficult to allow six auto lenghts on a significant highway during heavy traffic, doing the best you can around enabling an ensured clear range is an excellent step in preventing an unneeded crash.
A lot of us got burned badly during that time so it would be great to assemble something concise and specific that has stories and advice from investors that survived (or thrived), in spite of the crash, that we can use as actionable steps to fortify our current business plans.
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