Sentences with phrase «step global approach»

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Likewise, we should realize that only legitimizing what we already know can be a very dangerous mindset, and that we all need to step outside of our boundaries of human comfort to explore areas we do not know or understand fully if we wish to remove any layers of passivity that may surround us and take a proactive approach to the developing global financial crisis.
Consistent with the second step of the approach endorsed by Champions 12.3, this summer we partnered with the World Resources Institute to launch the first ever global standard for the measurement of food loss and waste (FLW).
«This is a very important step down the road towards personalized medicine, and our approach allows us to make this test available to a global market,» said Perou.
Vinetz said the next step will be to begin exploiting the genomic information «for vaccine and diagnostics development, experimental approaches to understanding mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and how Leptospira persist in the environment, all critical for developing new public health interventions aimed at reducing the global impact of this important but neglected zoonotic disease.»
As for Hilfiger's next steps, the designer hints at plans to take the in - season, fashion - meets - entertainment approach global with elaborate runway events around the world.
The Biomimicry Global Design Challenge aims to accelerate market - ready, scalable solutions with a unique approach: «There are two steps to the competition,» explained Beth Rattner, executive director of the Biomimicry Institute.
These are classified in three groups, one Issues involving the global community are global warming, biodiversity and ecosystem losses, fisheries depletion, deforestation, water deficits, maritime safety and pollution, second Issues requiring a global commitments are massive step - up in the fight against poverty, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism, Education for all, Global infectious diseases, digital divide, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and third Issues needing a global regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migglobal community are global warming, biodiversity and ecosystem losses, fisheries depletion, deforestation, water deficits, maritime safety and pollution, second Issues requiring a global commitments are massive step - up in the fight against poverty, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism, Education for all, Global infectious diseases, digital divide, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and third Issues needing a global regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migglobal warming, biodiversity and ecosystem losses, fisheries depletion, deforestation, water deficits, maritime safety and pollution, second Issues requiring a global commitments are massive step - up in the fight against poverty, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism, Education for all, Global infectious diseases, digital divide, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and third Issues needing a global regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migglobal commitments are massive step - up in the fight against poverty, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism, Education for all, Global infectious diseases, digital divide, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and third Issues needing a global regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migGlobal infectious diseases, digital divide, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and third Issues needing a global regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migglobal regulatory approach are reinventing taxation for the twenty - first century, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migglobal financial architecture, Illegal drugs, Trade, investment, and competition rules, Intellectual property rights, E-commerce rules, International labor and migration
Using Numbers In a Book Title Recently on LinkedIn, J.D. Gershbein, a global speaker and social branding specialist, raised the question, «Does a numbered step approach to titling a book have a positive effect on sales?»
«Enabling EMV in North America is a significant step in Discover's approach toward emerging payments, and clearly a necessary one,» said Troy Bernard, global head of chip payment technology at Discover, in a statement.
But two decades later, Centre ValBio is taking steps to link this approach to studying and saving the rain forest and its inhabitants with the wider world through global connectivity and technology.
The Warsaw outcome mentions for the first time «nationally determined contributions» to reducing GHG emissions, reflecting a step away from a global budget approach (whereby we say that the supposedly «safe» temperature increase of 2 degrees could only be achieved if we emit X amount of carbon, and the game is to then decide who can emit what share) to a «pledge and review» approach (Whereby countries «pledge» to do what is «nationally appropriate» given their circumstances).
To the extent that all of the major parties in the 2006 federal election acknowledged the problem of global warming and were taking steps to address it, though in different ways, (the Liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecois with the Kyoto accord, and the Conservatives with a Made in Canada approach) it would be difficult to conclude that the audio statements by taking a position on global warming, were targeting one particular party or candidate or a particular party's policy.»
The two senators worked with both industry and conservation groups as they designed the legislation, attempting to craft an approach that would address the concerns of American businesses while taking positive steps toward reducing global warming.
But the new approach brought about by the Paris Agreement can be a key step toward reducing the threat of global climate change.
Stuart Dodds, the director of global pricing and legal project management at Baker & McKenzie LLP in Chicago, suggests considering approaching the use of a pricing officer in three consecutive steps.
The US regulator has just taken another step on the way to tightening its approach towards crypto assets, which is in line with global tendencies.
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