Sentences with phrase «step right foot»

Press through your heels to stand back up and at the same time, step your right foot in and plant it beside your left so your feet are now close together.
How to: Standing with your feet hip - width apart, step your right foot forward, aligning your right knee directly over your heel.
Step down and step your right foot behind you into a curtsy lunge on the other leg.
Step right foot to right; move left foot to meet it as you circle ball right, up, left, and down.
Step right foot to right again, lift left leg to side, and circle ball right and up.
From downward dog or a simple table pose, step your right foot forward in between your hands and slide your left foot back so your legs are wide apart.
Step the right foot back to plank and then lower onto your right forearm (keep your left hand planted right where it is, bending into that left elbow so that you can lower).
From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward and bring your front knee directly over your front ankle.
Then exhale, release the torso to the right thigh, sweep your hands back onto the floor, and, with another exhale, step your right foot back and return to Down Dog.
Or come into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward - Facing Dog), inhale, and step the right foot forward between your hands.
Exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your knee over the heel.
Exhale and step your right foot back beside the left.
Step the right foot out to the side, touch lightly and then bring it back in, focusing on the outer thigh.
Now you're going to CRAWL forward in that position... move the LEFT dumbell forward a few inches and step your RIGHT foot forward a few inches.
Inhale and step your right foot forward.
Start in standing position, holding Ugi in front of you and step right foot over one step to the right, squat and touch Ugi to the floor, as you bring your left foot in to the right, lift Ugi up high overhead, step again to the right and touch Ugi to ground, step right with left foot bringing Ugi up overhead, and on the 3rd step, place Ugi on the ground and jump legs back into plank, do a push up with hands on Ugi, jump legs in and come up to standing lifting Ugi high up overhead again.
Step the right foot back into your high plank and then repeat on the other side, left knee to right elbow.
Step your right foot back slightly so your right toes line up with left heel (a).
In unison, step your right foot and right forearm out to the side so that you're in a wide, starfish-esque plank position.
Step your right foot forward into a lunge and lower your left knee to the floor or a folded towel or blanket.
Step your right foot out to the 1 - 2 O'Clock position and return to start.
Keeping your other hand behind your back, step the right foot back into a single - arm plank.
Step your right foot forward next to your right hand.
Bring your palms down to the floor and step your right foot to the back of your mat next to the left one to lower directly into Chaturanga, all in one breath.
Step your right foot out wide to the side, bending that knee and sinking your hips back and down into a deep side lunge.
From Downward - Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning the right knee over the heel.
Step the right foot forward to create a stance that's long but allows you to easily shift your weight forward and back.
Step your right foot forward about a foot in front of your left knee, and rotate your right thigh outwardly.
Step your right foot back and lower your body to the floor, bending your knees to a 90 - degree angle.
Then, bring your right foot in front, then step out sideways again with your left foot, then step your right foot behind it.
Holding the pumpkin in both hands, step your right foot back to center, engaging your glutes to stand back up (d).
Standing with your feet hip - distance apart, step your right foot over the jump rope (a).
Keep the left foot forward and step the right foot back (heels down and facing forward) enough to straighten both legs.
To release the pose unlock your fingers and as you inhale, lift your torso, step the right foot back and bend the left knee into the High Lunge Pose.
If it's not, you may need to step your right foot closer to or farther from the wall.
From a standing position, step your right foot back into a reverse lunge.
Step your right foot back and behind you, bringing your right knee directly behind your left heel, then drive your right knee up to meet your right elbow.
Step your right foot back and behind you, bringing your right knee directly behind your left heel.
From Downward Dog, step the right foot forward and place it just inside your left hand.
Lower your hands to the mat on either side of your front foot and step your right foot back so it's even with your left.
Step your right foot back into a reverse lunge.
From here, step your right foot and right forearm out wide to the side at the same time.
Step your right foot back and place both weights in your right hand.
From downward facing dog, step your right foot to the outside of your right hand, lining the edge of the foot up with the edge of the mat and drop your left knee.
Step right foot back into a 90 - degree angle while making sure your left knee does not go past your toe.
Step right foot back, followed by the left, coming into a wide plank.
Step your right foot back, crossing it slightly behind your left.
Step your right foot forward and lower your body by bending both your knees at 90 - degree angles.
Step your right foot back and then your left, pushing through your heels.
Next, step left foot diagonally forward, and then step right foot in line with left.
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