Sentences with phrase «step towards»

This smoothie is the best first step towards a healthier diet for the new year.
I truly believe that gratitude is the first step towards attracting abundance into our lives.
By taking creatine when the muscles are most in need, you can take a big step towards fighting fatigue.
It considered that departing from the current definitions of extensive and intensive animal husbandry is seen as a step towards transparency and planning certainty.
This marks the sector's first step towards achieving a 20 % reduction in water use by 2020 compared to 2007, -LSB-...]
Here is the story of my first step towards breaking sugar addiction...
It's time for us to stand back and see what is really happening here: further loss of food sovereignty, the addition of another crop which is not proven safe for either the environment or humans and another step towards world food control by a handful of multinationals.
But GreenPalm is a real, practical and valuable step towards that goal.
We believe delicious and healthy protein bars are an intelligent first step towards normalizing the consumption of insects, which will in turn have enormous global impact.
And of course, take your first step towards individual packaging reduction by making these delicious Bounty Bar Ice Creams below!
Our ultimate goal is to help more people discover delicious ways of cooking with plants, and every review is a step towards that.
The ceremony at Vatican City is the penultimate step towards the late pontiff's sainthood.
Hundreds of thousands of Catholic faithful will gather in St. Peter's Square to witness the ceremony, the penultimate step towards John Paul II's sainthood.
«Unsecularizing the academy» and getting the scholarly elite to accept the philosophical viability of religious reason as an equal player in intellectual argument is not the first step towards God's reentrance into the consciousness of modern society.
The Incarnational Principal A first step towards the Incarnation of the Word of God was the inspired act of putting God's words into writing.
Without realising it, the Christians of the fourth century took the first step towards the loss of the sense of God: by building a stairway between the God of heaven and his son on Earth, they opened the temptation for men to kill Him.
So far it has been debated only in the Lords: but what has so far been said gives no confidence that what has surely to be seen as a major step towards the radical de-Christianisation of English culture will come up against any opposition that has a chance of success.
In fact, however, Speyer was the first step towards the «territorial church», to a de facto arrangement by which each political unit settled its management of religion according to the decisions of its own rulers.
Alcoholic recovery groups say that owning up to an addiction is the first step towards conquering it.
This is why the depth of satisfaction of worldly entities which God seeks through the primordial valuation, may be viewed as an intermediate stage towards the fulfillment of God's own being: «His aim for it [i.e., an immediate occasion] is depth of satisfaction as an intermediate step towards the fulfillment of his own being» (PR 105).
Honestly recognizing this situation is the first step towards more genuinely addressing the whole spectrum of our values.
The first step towards this might be a collaborative work on two faiths; let us say Christianity and Islam, written jointly by a Christian and a Muslim.
But in what does human freedom consist if by our own free will without God's grace nobody can take one step towards being justifed?
It is true that we are not justifed on the basis of works; and without God's grace he could not take one step towards justice in God's sight.
There's hope among Pakistan's religious minorities that the country's first census in nearly 20 years will be a step towards greater political representation and rights.
A historic step towards allowing the first gay marriages in the Church of Scotland is expected to be taken at the General Assembly next week but it could still be years before such ceremonies take place.
But it threatens their own culture insofar as regional integration is largely instrumentalised as a step towards global governance with a postmodern (and therefore neo-Western) global ethic.
«This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up.»
One could note in passing that if pleasure is received with gratitude - to God, to one's spouse - this is already a significant step towards purifying it of self - centredness, for gratitude is always a coming out of self and an affirmation of the other.
«There could be single cases that can be justified, for instance when a prostitute uses a condom, and this can be a first step towards a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, to develop again the awareness of the fact that not all is allowed and that one can not do everything one wants,» Benedict said.
Not sure about keeping free from the appearance of sin, I think it is a worry when folks think pastors don't sin, and if we have to pretend we don't then that feels like the first step towards madness.
As a step towards meeting this problem Whitehead introduced the notion of a «subjective aim.»
The decision of the Church this week to establish Personal Ordinariates to give Anglican converts flexibility in their liturgy is just the latest step towards reaffirming that Catholic orthodoxy is ready for whatever the world may bring.
Israel's religious leaders had been moving towards monotheism, and the prophetic idea that Yahweh was using Israel's enemies as his agents in bringing judgment on his sinful people was a long step towards recognition of his universal sway.
Though there is a law in place to outlaw name - calling, as responsible citizens we need to take a step towards this change.»
Sending a message to the white Babble Belt believers last night was a step towards the USA moving forward into the 21st century.
Yes... this is the severist most ignorant form of human brotherhood... but Bill Nye, is taking the first step towards his goal, and the goal of many athiest activist... take the rights away from God believers... because... a hundred reasons... children will be hurt, holds back our country yada yada... be careful who you get suckered in by as you travel these few years we are given on this earth... allow your brother to be your brother... allow him to chose for his life and family... never cross the line of «knowing better.»
about our powerlessness to penetrate in this sense beyond the primitive vision shared by the earliest human minds; that is to say, the impossibility of our advancing a step towards the direct or indirect perception of all that is hidden behind the veil of tangible experience!
But coming out * is * a step towards authenticity for all gay men... it just isn't the only step.
Summorum Pontificum, still not fully implemented in the Church in Great Britain, is another step towards the revitalisation, or renewal, of the Catholic Church, as it encourages a depth of prayer, reflection, true worship and reverence that the many outdoor Masses of Blessed John Paul II lacked almost to a fault.
«When it comes to those questions on the border - line of the unknowable, all the accumulated knowledge of twenty — five centuries has done no more than feed the argument, without advancing us a single step towards the solution.»
Not only did the Copenhagen Summit not usher in a binding pact, it failed even to take a decisive step towards a pact that would be adopted at the next meeting (COP - 16) in Mexico at the end of 2010.
The actual choice varies: it may be a step towards giving more financially.
And no matter how screwed up our orthodoxy... how screwed up our path, we can begin finding Him by taking one mere step towards his calling.
Newman's life and work was devoted towards the recovery of the patristic tradition in both Catholic and Protestant circles, and he applauded it as a necessary step towards thereunification of the Church that had been shattered at the Reformation.
The Catechism does at several points touch on a more synthetic integration of all God's works, commenting that «creation is revealed as the first step towards» the final Covenant of Love (CCC 288) and that» God created the world the sake of communion with his divine life, a communion brought about by the convocation of men in Christ, and this convocation is the Church» (CCC 760).
Ah man, that is the first step towards being one of the 1 %.
There are those of us who hear the «Christian nation» rhetoric and know that it's a step towards denying people who do not fit the mold.
The second step towards demonstrating the viability of this thesis involves asking how disengagement can facilitate authentic engagement.
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