Sentences with phrase «stick graph purports»

The hockey stick graph purports to demonstrate that, for about 900 years — represented by the long handle lying flat — the world experienced almost no climate variation.

Not exact matches

There is a hockey stick graph at purporting to be based on high Northern latitudes.
-LSB-...] Stick» graph, which purported to show a sharp increase in recent temperatures.
-LSB-...] blog by global warming advocate Michael Mann, creator of the now - discredited «hockey stick» graph that purported to show a sharp spike in global temperatures over the last few decades.
At some time or another, most people will have seen the hockey stick - the iconic graph which purports to show that after centuries of stable temperatures, the second half of the twentieth century saw a sudden and unprecedented warming of the globe.
Mann first rose to prominence in the late 1990s with publication of his «hockey stick» graph, which purported to show a spike in world temperatures due to anthropogenic global warming.
And of course there was the mother of all scandals, the «hockey stick» itself: a graph that purported to show the warming of the last three decades of the twentieth century as unprecedented in a millennium, a graph that the IPCC was so thrilled with that it published it six times in its third assessment report and displayed it behind the IPCC chairman at his press conference.
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