Sentences with phrase «stick graph reconstructed»

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The climate change «hockey stick» is a graph first published in 1998 by Michael Mann et al. that attempted to reconstruct the mean surface temperature on the planet during the period A. D. 900 to the present, using multiple proxies, such as tree rings, to measure temperatures before formal instrumentation was in use.
The original hockey - stick analysis plotted reconstructed Northern Hemisphere mean temperature variations since 1400 and found that since 1900, temperatures have increased to give the graph its distinctive shape (Nature 1998, 392, 779 - 787).
2018 and 2017 Non-Hockey Stick Graphs (~ 200) Maley et al., 2018 Polovodova Asteman et al., 2018 Wündsch et al., 2018 McGowan et al., 2018 «Our reconstructed Tmax [temperature maximum] for these warmer conditions peaks around 1390 CE at + 0.8 °C above the 1961 — 90 mean, similar to the peak Tmax during the RWP [Roman Warm Period].
«Several months ago I compiled a chart of glacier retreats and advances over the last 3000 years and graphed over it the Hockey stick and reconstructed CET to 1538.
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