Sentences with phrase «sticker in their physical location»

Igoche says that citizens of Nigeria should only use financial institutions that are insured by NDIC indicated by the sticker in their physical location.

Not exact matches

Included in this resource pack: Session 1: Identifying different locations (reading focus)- Where's Wally location clue cards (differentiated by Phonics Phase)- Hidden High Frequency Words in location pictures for children to find using a magnifying glass Session 2: Human and Physical features (sorting)- Human and Physical features PowerPoint - Human and Physical features sorting activity - Cut and stick sorting worksheet - Marking sticker Session 3: Naming and labelling Human and Physical features - Labelling PowerPoint - Word bank worksheet (differentiated)- children will name the different human and physical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fPhysical features (sorting)- Human and Physical features PowerPoint - Human and Physical features sorting activity - Cut and stick sorting worksheet - Marking sticker Session 3: Naming and labelling Human and Physical features - Labelling PowerPoint - Word bank worksheet (differentiated)- children will name the different human and physical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fPhysical features PowerPoint - Human and Physical features sorting activity - Cut and stick sorting worksheet - Marking sticker Session 3: Naming and labelling Human and Physical features - Labelling PowerPoint - Word bank worksheet (differentiated)- children will name the different human and physical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fPhysical features sorting activity - Cut and stick sorting worksheet - Marking sticker Session 3: Naming and labelling Human and Physical features - Labelling PowerPoint - Word bank worksheet (differentiated)- children will name the different human and physical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fPhysical features - Labelling PowerPoint - Word bank worksheet (differentiated)- children will name the different human and physical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fphysical features - Labelling worksheet - differentiated Session 4: Writing about where Wally is using human and physical fphysical features.
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