Sentences with phrase «sticking with low»

Sticking with these low - cost options means more of your returns wind up in your own wallet, rather than in your fund companyâ $ ™ s.
If you want to keep things simple, including your asset allocation, then I'd recommend sticking with low - cost index mutual funds.
If you don't have enough savings or credit to cover the potential expense, you're better off sticking with a low deductible and paying a higher premium.
Good call sticking with a low cost index fund.
Some say that sticking with low - scoring foods can help you shed pounds easily (no calorie counting required) or avoid diabetes, but that's an oversimplification.
I'm sticking with low FODMAP foods, but I know there is a cumulative effect and it could be about the combination of foods.
I am sticking with low - carb again better than before, and I have actually continued to see loss.
Co-host: I know one of the biggest problem was sticking with a low - carbohydrate diet is carb cravings.
Have you been sticking with low - carb eating?
Make it good You are better off sticking with low GI whole grains, which as we now know have shown to be beneficial in long term weight loss plans.
«Initially sticking with a low - FODMAP diet felt a little challenging,» Maria told me during our third consultation, «but not having those OMG I've got to run to the bathroom NOW and other post-meal woes made it worth sticking to.»
Consider skipping the whole milk and sticking with low - fat or skim varieties, which have eight grams of protein per cup — and less cholesterol.
Instead, she recommends mitigating your risk down by sticking with low - cost index funds, target - date funds or
Instead, she recommends mitigating your risk down by sticking with low - cost index funds, target - date funds or ETFs (a.k.a. exchange - traded funds, which can include shares of many companies but trade like a stock).
While there will be exceptions to the rule, you are much, much better off with a boring strategy by sticking with low - cost investments.
T - Mobile, which is majority owned by German carrier Deutsche Telekom, said in the past when it offered a choice to let customers turn off the lower - resolution video while using more of their data allowances, 99 % opted to stick with the lower quality.
In a statement, it added that it is likely to stick with its low interest rate policy longer than it previously expected.
Both large and small investors should stick with low - cost index funds.»
Freddie Mac says the typical loan is now paid off after just 6.1 years, and that raises an interesting idea: Since lenders don't like fixed - rate long - term loans — they worry that they'll be stuck with low returns — maybe they would prefer to finance with a shorter term, say seven years or 10 years.
And quite easy to prepare and low in fat too (if you stick with low - fat or fat free cream cheese).
At that rate, I think I would rather stick with a low carb lifestyle, one that I could sustain for a very long time without feeling deprived or uninspired in the kitchen.
I'll stick with the low & slow method in the oven for my pulled pork.
Stick with low - carb items such as olives, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, snap peas, nuts, garbanzo beans, avocado, and other fresh vegetables.
If you like a sweeter muffin, add another 1/4 cup of sugar to the recipe, otherwise stick with the low sugar recipe as it's written.
If you want to stick with lower calorie cheeses, try part - skim mozzarella, Swiss cheese, and feta cheese.
Hi Kathleen, I've always heard to stick with the lowest flow nipple size for a breastfed baby.
We've stuck with the lowest flow available and my twins are 4 months now.
Be sure to stick with low - fat cottage cheese, to make this an even healthier dish.
Good choices include veggie sticks with a low fat dip, fruit slices frozen for extra crunch, air popped popcorn, pretzels, whole wheat pita chips with hummus or low fat cheese slices.
You can consume yogurt and milk, but it is better to stick with low - fat varieties to gain weight in a healthy way.
«If you enjoy a snack between meals, choose healthy options such as a piece of fruit, vegetable sticks with low - fat dip such as hommus, or raw nuts.
Don't skimp on SCOBYs or you may be stuck with low quality cultures (dehydrated, test tube size, pre-packaged, backordered, pint jar sized).
One interesting thing to note about glutamine is that it can help to lower the intensity of cravings you have for sweet tasting foods, so for this reason, may actually be of great assistance to those trying to stick with a lower calorie diet plan.
It's okay to warm up with lighter weight, but you'll see greater gains over time if you stick with low reps, high weight.
These Instant Pot Keto recipes will help you stick with your low carb high fat diet by making meals convenient.
Stick with the low temp stuff here.
Any other suggestions for people stuck with low - starch because inflammation is the worst symptom?
It might not work well if you stick with a low activity level.
Stick with low calorie dense foods.
I generally advise a few groundwork rules, however: Cut the gluten, minimize dairy, opt for lean proteins, up vegetable intake, stick with low - sugar fruits, and reduce processed carbs and sugar as much as possible.
Pro tip: Serve carrot sticks with a low - calorie veggie dip, top a salad with chopped carrots, or serve cooked carrots as a healthy side dish.
In general, we recommend sticking with lower fat cuts of beef if you decide to include this food in your meal plan.
Once you're done and have lost the weight, you can add the daily intake of grams but still stick with the low carb diet.
I don't shy away from carbs but primarily stick with low - glycemic carbs and I spread them out throughout the day.
If you're going to stick with a low calorie diet to lose weight, achieving satiety has to be both delicious and satisfying or you'll quit.
But going to stick with the low carb / high fat diet; get the ketosis strips glowing bright red, and see how this goes.
When on the elimination phase just stick with the low FODMAP foods listed in my check list and avoid all cautionary high FODMAP foods.
Stick with low - sugar fruits, and limit dried fruit and fruit juices.
I caution people against creating juices and smoothies that are too sugary and advise cleansers to stick with lower glycemic fruits and vegetables.
This is unfortunately what steers most people to stick with the lower quality options.
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