Sentences with phrase «sticks to the wall as»

A stochastic process where everything gets flung and some of the spaghetti sticks to the wall as valuable?

Not exact matches

«But as a small company, you've got to throw the spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks
As we can see, when it comes to their smear jobs, the MSM flings at the wall all the mud it can fit in its hands, hoping that some of it might stick.
While she's probably not wrong in that it's likely hovering near the end - point, I would like to just take a moment to point out that most of this whole affair has been fuelled by weak - sauce allegations and conflated facts, and this particular air of desperation as people keep flinging the equivalent of spaghetti against a wall in the hope that something inevitably sticks.
Ponnuru writes of somebody describing the Romney team's strategy as «throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
«It's aptly characterized as the Obama administration continuing to throw ideas out there and see which ones stick to the wall
I've printed my goals out and stuck them with my mood board on the wall next to desk, as a constant reminder that I need to do the work if I want the rewards.
All in all it's a group that has failed to deliver even remotely as Chelsea threw mud at the wall hoping some of it would stick, but to finish on a positive note there are two more who have shown enough to maybe return a profit.
Sparkly Craft Stick Snowflakes from There's Only One Mommy — These would be fun as an ornament or attached to a door or wall
This peel and stick wall mural is easy to install and remove, just reposition it as often as you want.
This results from the movement of electrons from one surface to another — in the same way as a balloon rubbed on clothing sticks to a wall.
I've started following up with «drawing the alphabet with my big toe» as follow up to these exercises for my calf and in between sets I stretch my biceps by standing away from the wall with my arms out, hands in loose fits with thumbs sticking up, no then rotating the thumbs to facing down and lightly pressing my arms back and holding for 20 - 30 seconds.
Soluble fiber should be consumed moreso within the winter months because soluble fiber like I said breaks down into a liquid, it becomes sort of a gel, a gelatinous, gooey kind of substance and what it does it hydrates your internal, your body internally and it creates a kind of a coats the walls of your intestines with this gel, this sort of mucus if you will and it creates a slippery environment in your intestines so that when you eat food or consume drinks or food or anything it slips through and it slides through the intestines like it should as opposed to getting stuck and creating intestinal backup, colon backup and things like that.
I'd then point out that surgeons all agree that the small intestines and colon clean themselves, and that fecal matter doesn't «stick to the side of the intestinal wall» as is usually claimed by these juice fasting and other detox companies.
HI lee RN after the ages of 24 to 27 the bodys enzyme production reduces to from a teaspoon to eyedopper levels we start to rely on the bodies own ability to assimilate and absorb its own enzyme source where as we can run through walls at 17 to 27 try to do ot at 37 0r 47 things do nt go as planned recovery takes longer a we age generally with poor diet and junk food shrinkage of organs increase as we age because of the lack of enzymes that are active in the body fibrin scar tissue and debris as well as sludge in the blood require the following (number 1) is oxygen (number 2) is Enzymes (number 3) is electrolytes (Number 4) is negatively ionized (Red Blood Cells) this is what is required to remove the excessive fibrin from the body Dr perlmutter is correct with his grain and carb theory however without systemic enzyme assistance and the other 3 protocols organ shrinkage and early aging are a reality the enzymes (systemic) do the major work eating up and ridding the excessive fibrin that is in the body and easy to see with microscopy as is Red Blood cells that are positively ionised (Stuck together) find it had to deliver ATP (cell food) that feed the cells One of the major causes of arterial blockages is inflamation condensed LDL triglycerides (bad cholestorol) not mistaking fluffy or non condensed LDL which is good for the brain and harmless as is HDL cholestorol levels
The film plays as if every conceivable joke was thrown at the wall, and the ones that seemed to stick best were swept up and glued together as the plotline.
If «I, Tonya» is supposed to be a corrective to two decades of tabloid fascination with Harding and her role in the assault of figure skating competitor Nancy Kerrigan — as characters frequently break the fourth wall to tell us, either in faux - documentary interview sequences or in the middle of scenes — it doesn't quite stick the landing of that particular triple axel.
Honestly, I can't claim that Penguins winds up as an unpleasant experience, for it throws enough at the wall to allow some of it to stick.
As is his preferred method, Seth MacFarlane throws everything at the wall — often more than once — to see what sticks in his comic Western.
The filmmakers arguably throw too many plot points at the wall, hoping to make some of them stick, and there are a few schoolboy errors along the way, such as when a photograph of Game of Thronesactor Noah Taylor turns up early on, so that you spend almost the entire film waiting for him to show up.
Cross seems content with throwing as many ideas as he can think up against the wall, and while he has managed to amass a pretty impressive cast of legitimately funny people (Matt Walsh, James Adomian, Michael Cera, Jason Ritter, Amy Sedaris, etc), nothing ever seems to stick.
It's also far too easy to lose a race entirely thanks to minor mistakes, as even glancing a wall can send your car careening into other obstacles before grinding to a halt, disoriented and often facing the wrong way or stuck in a corner, all while opponents either fly by or increase their lead to insurmountable levels.
This outline has been cropped onto A3 size sheets ready to be printed and stuck up as a wall display.
As oil gets pumped around, it sticks to walls and is all over the place.
When it comes to Cadillac, many luxury buyers are like my neighbor Chris: They're still stuck in the 1990s, typecasting Cadillac sedans as white - walled whales bought only by...
As with its smartphones, Samsung has thrown everything it can at the wall when it comes to tablets to see what eventually sticks.
With all of the books that are being offered for free, it would seem (to me, at least) a lot of times it has been a matter of throwing things up on the wall in order to see what sticks: it was hard to focus on the quality of the books as the quantity could bog you down.
Maybe it's best described as a would - be playground for Harry Potter fans, not very cleverly designed, with a lot of stuff thrown at the wall to see what sticks — since it prominently failed to become the go - to store for Harry Potter products.
Then print out the results and stick it to your wall or fridge as a constant demotivating reminder.
For example, if your horse falls into a well, your dog falls over a cliff, your cow gets stuck in a barn wall, or your community needs help sheltering animals for short term issues such as threat of fire, WASART is trained to help out in these situations.
The game has its moments, but never really becomes more than a short burst of time filling between major games, at the best of times it just works, other times it can get glitchy, sure it's easy to control the bike, but for one reason or another the AI can't do it to save their lives, it doesn't help that their as light as a small child and have about as much physical tolerance as one too, one hit can be all you need to dethrone your competition only for them to get back up and get stuck in a wall, or to the back of a parked car.
Even the bad guys are constrained by these limits as you will often see an enemy stuck waiting behind a «glass wall» until you clear out the current area and are allowed to progress to meet him.
Levels such as Studiopolis feel like a brand new Casino Night Zone, which takes you right back to powering your way through the classic level only to be stuck behind a wall because you're too busy bouncing on star bells to rack up your points.
It should also be noted that having to hold the left trigger to use the sword also takes away camera control, so you'll often find yourself staring at a wall or other bit of scenery as you frantically waggle the stick.
There's the time I hit an enemy Titan with an Arc Grenade as I leapt over it before pulling out my Archer rocket, spinning round, sticking to the wall and finishing it off.
The reason for this is because you can not move around a corner while still being in cover as you have to release from being in it to move around a fence or a building, so you get stuck at times in corners when you want to move around a low wall or quickly move around something as you reload to get out of the sight of an enemy that is fast approaching you.
Two new weapons — the spread - like Spazer Beam and the ultra-powerful Plasma Beam — were introduced, as well as the new Spider Ball ability, which allowed Samus to stick to walls.
The driving sections are actually very forgiving because they give you a lot of checkpoints and you stick to the walls when you drive on them as long as you do not stop.
The flame power - up works as a flame - thrower or a flaming dash, the ninja can stick to walls, throw shurikens and use a sword, and the bell can be used as a melee weapon or invincible shield by crouching under it until it's safe to come out.
The most immediate addition is the flying squirrel suit that you encounter in the very first level, which lets you glide slowly after a jump, get a single altitude boost while in midair by doing your spin move, and cling to walls for a few seconds (though I found myself inadvertently sticking to walls at times I didn't want to as often as times I did).
In this you just need to make sure the camera stick is facing the enemy and the character (kane or lynch) will go onto the wall infront, and from there you can do as you please, fire or not.
Falling from this ledge means death), when I was actually hanging (some characters can «stick» to walls ala Mario's wall jump) to the wall, only to fall to my death as I am watching the rest of the action.
A light house must be climbed, and Contrast goes glitchy — real glitchy — here as boxes that are needed to move forward disappear or get stuck on walls, and suicide doesn't reset, meaning the whole chapter has to be reset over in hope the glitch doesn't happen again.
They spill across the Bushwick pioneer's ground - floor apartment, as if the dealer had asked thirty or forty of his nearest and dearest friends to stick a work anywhere on the walls.
As if to insist still further on her conceptual side, the Drawing Center sticks these all up and down a central wall, defying anyone to read them — except, perhaps, an artistic giant or a child.
Everything signals a childlike glee, from spray paint and cartoon faces to colorful bedsheets, snappy messages, and drawings stuck on the walls as in elementary school.
Creed has become particularly renowned for his aggressive deployment of a range of seemingly banal materials such as a blob of blu - tak stuck in the center of a wall, sheets of letter paper that are filled in with highlighter or ballpoint pen, collections of an enormous variety of balls, stacks of lumber, or neon spelling out simple words or phrases such as «Things», «Feelings» or «Everything is going to be alright».
Their works, which range from a nude body covered by a wall of long hair captured via selfie stick to a couple of tricky mirror shots, will be displayed alongside contemporary selfie - inspired works and their predecessors from as far back as the Old Masters era.
Anderson was initially interested in the kaleidoscopic effect of the mirrored walls, the sense of stillness in the midst of movement they created, and the surface decoration of the photographs stuck to them — photographs of black politicians and sportsmen, as well as hairstyles.
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