Sentences with phrase «sticky situation»

The phrase "sticky situation" means being in a difficult or challenging position that is hard to escape or solve easily. Full definition
One good thing is that when you do aim, time will slow down and you will see a projected path, which helps when you are in sticky situations.
I know that we can handle pressure because we have got ourselves out of a lot of sticky situations in the past.
Again, the 5 cylinder inline engine has gotten me out of sticky situations when I quickly needed to move out of a stop.
However, you could get into sticky situations if more than one publication wants to buy the same article.
You will: take press conferences, manage personnel, make investigative decisions and call the next move when your cops get into sticky situations.
To avoid sticky situations like this, you can use a buy - out clause.
It has traction control and 4 wheel drive for sticky situations where your vehicle may get stuck, or you may lose control of the vehicle.
My expertise in handling a busy youth residential facility can be judged from my extensive contribution to implementing systems, and managing sticky situations at my present place of work.
How to deal with sticky situations like missing skills or experience, employment gaps, short - term jobs, being fired, or having a bad reference.
It's a heavily debated, pretty sticky situation, and one in which we need to safely strike a delicate balance between adequate sun exposure and the prevention of UV damage.
It's crucial that you're being upfront about things so that you don't end up with sticky situation later when you meet someone online that you have to dig yourself out of.
Particularly the use of the jet pack you have, which will get you out of many sticky situations.
This leads to a potentially sticky situation during a sale, when the devices are transferred to the buyer but they're still linked to the previous owner's phone or online account.
This app was actually recommended to me by a friend, and it has certainly got us out of a few sticky situations in the past!
Some people need it to get out of sticky situations while others simply need to go on a vacation or pay for their expensive cars.
Younger team members such as graduates with hard - earned training contracts may be placed in a particularly sticky situation if they start to feel put upon by a more senior lawyer.
As things change for your little one, you need to change your expectations, and come up with new tricks for managing sticky situations.
This week, we're going to dive into more networking and marketing strategies for attorneys, and more etiquette lessons to help you avoid sticky situations online.
Unless you're a management guru yourself (not self - proclaimed, mind you), the information is valuable in navigating sticky situations that we all run into.
Want to learn more about sticky situations like this?
You can learn a lot about how to approach sticky situations while living with a not - so - fabulous roommate!
Once she's more energetic, she'll likely get herself into more sticky situations; now you'll need to wash her once or twice a day.
Read on to learn how to recover from six extremely sticky situations.
A simple peanut butter solution is all that's needed to put an end to an otherwise sticky situation.
I encountered enough sticky situations and made enough mistakes throughout my 20s to teach me what I believe are valuable lessons.
Sex hormones can cause some people to fall into the delusion of love, which can become a downright sticky situation when one partner wants to stick with the original deal.
These kinds of moments can definitely hamper the entire experience and make for some unfair sticky situations.
The game puts you into the role of a special agent tasked with getting yourself out of exceedingly sticky situations, all without moving from your seat.
Every weapon in the game has a primary and a secondary attack, which may prove to be very helpful in certain sticky situations.
With a strong ability to learn new things quickly and assess sticky situations swiftly, I can be a great credit to your company.
This can lead to sticky situations if you aren't thinking one, two or maybe even three moves ahead.
People who have no idea how it gets so far end up in sticky situations that they just can't get out of.
Mix using your hands — it's going to be a messy, sticky situation at first but eventually this will turn into a cookie dough consistency.
He was calm, assured, his positioning was sound and he even had quite a surprising turn of pace which helped him get out of sticky situations.
Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that social situations can be sticky situations when it comes to following your healthy meal plan.
It may not be cheap, but you will be able to fight your way out of many sticky situations.
So she started viewing every minute of the school day as an opportunity to build a foundation that will help students navigate sticky situations that arise in and out of the classroom.
From communicating about layoffs to following up about certain employees» behavior at the last company party, HR is tasked with working through sticky situations on a continuous basis.
Each character has their individual basic, advanced and special attacks that hold their own advantages to get you out of sticky situations as well as decimate larger volumes of enemies at once.
The Perfect Solution for Sticky Situations With your little one dressed in such a cute ensemble, you're also going to need a little help keeping it clean.
When and if an incident occurs, a higher deductible, lowered limits, or omissions in covered perils can lead to much higher out - of - pocket expenses, a pretty sticky situation for an already stretched budget.
One of these potentially sticky situations became something of a flashpoint at the hearing for Dr. Ben Carson, Trump's appointee to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
You might get a competitive interest rate with the help of a cosigner, but piggybacking off someone else's credit can create sticky situations and be unrewarding when building your credit.

Phrases with «sticky situation»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z