Sentences with phrase «still be high in calories»

Even if a food is labeled «fat - free,» it can still be high in calories from sugar and hidden carbs.
They are certainly more nutritious than standard candy bars but can still be high in calories and fat if you have too much in one sitting!

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Dark chocolate is still high in calories too remember, so even when choosing good quality dark stuff, enjoy it in moderation.
Before you go all crazy with the coconut sugar, keep in mind that it is still sugar and it is still high in calories.
This copycat recipe is much cheaper and made with love from wholesome ingredients, while still being low in calories, high in protein, and crazy addictive in the best way possible.
I keep these for special occasions — although nutrient dense and made with raw, gluten free ingredients, they are still high in sugar, and calories — but you only want a small amount to satisfy a sweet craving.
Still, a diet high in saturated fats is a diet high calories, which can make weight control a challenge.
While still featuring the same high - quality ginger used in Fever - Tree's signature Ginger Beer (fresh ginger root sourced from the Ivory Coast and Cochin, India), Fever - Tree Naturally Light Ginger Beer is the cocktail - enthusiast's low - calorie alternative for mixing with the same bright, spicy, long - lasting ginger taste that artisan ginger beer cocktails deserve, without sacrificing taste.
The maximum calories per school meal established for the new regulations was still higher than the average calories eaten per school meal in the past, so the claim that students were starving is a sham.
More than half of the studied restaurants designate some healthy choices on their menus, but the meaning of that designation varies; in most cases, only calorie content is considered and they may still have high sodium levels.
Tea / Coffee: If you enjoy tea and coffee, still do so but try to avoid espresso - based coffees that are mostly milk, as these, especially the larger commercial servings, can be quite high in calories.
Naturally low in calories and high in vitamin C, potassium, and carotenes, summer squash is still the star in this casserole.
Cucumbers are also detoxifying and help cleanse the liver, they're high in nutrients while still being low in calories, and they're awesome for glowing skin!
While it is still high in calories and fat, it's primarily the good kind.
While dried cranberries are higher in calories than the fresh version, they're still in the moderate range.
If you are physically capable of exercise, then use weight training AND cardio to increase your calorie expenditure, so you can still have a calorie deficit, but at a higher food intake (also known as a «high energy flux» program, or as we like to say in Burn The Fat, «eat more, burn more.»)
Slow jogging is similar to running in the way your body moves so will still build some muscle but without getting the benefits of high intensity cardio, such as increased fitness and burning LOTS of calories.
However, be mindful of how much nuts you eat, even though nuts are considered a weight loss friendly food, they're still high in calories and fat.
Even though this is a healthier dessert idea that's lower in sugar and higher in nutrition than most sweet treats, keep in mind that it is still calorie dense, so keep your portions reasonable.
But it i not only beer than can be high in calories, if you like a drink then take time to find what the best type of drink would be that allows you to still have a tipple but without the high calories.
Whereas people on low - fat diets must be calorie restricted in order to lose weight, people eating low - carb (and high fat and protein) can usually eat until they feel satisfied and still lose weight.
im not against low carb at all, keto or original atkins are not my favorite ways to approach it, but Im very much in favor of certain types of low carb diets, particularly higher protein, diets with moderate carb restriction... i use low carb, hi - protein for contest prep myself... unfortunately, what pervades much of the low carb world still today, is this belief that calories do nt matter or calories do nt count or what you alluded to, that you can have a calorie deficit and not lose fat... whats really happening is that low carb / higher protein can be a very good way to automatically control appetite and calorie intake, and is also often important for some peoples health given their metabolic status (not very carb tolerant, etc)... its also unfortunate that many in the low carb community are among the ones to suggest that exercise is a waste of time, etc etc, which is also not true and does great disservice to many who listen... low carb does nt work due to some voodoo or because the law of thermodynamics does nt apply... it works mainly because it controls calories and for some people, helps them achieve calorie deficit better than other diets... when folks show up here and suggest «i was in a calorie deficit but wasnt losing» or «exercise does nt work» thats when we cant help but grimace... or chuckle...
Choose Quality Foods — this should be a no - brainer, but many still consume highly processed foods which are high in calories and lack adequate nutrients.
(2) Although eating prunes will cause less weight gain than the calories that they contain would predict, they are still extremely high in sugars, extremely high in calories, and prunes will cause weight GAIN, not weight loss.
Peter i do landscaping & painting both very physically demanding jobs and still very low carb only from green veggies i have lost alot of weight in 3 months from being in a ketogenic state but im also worried that not getting enough carbs from alot of physical activity so should i up my calories in fat or add in some more carbs from say sweet potatoes and carrots on the days i work and remain high fat on my non work days
The reason for the rise in obesity is no mystery: many are still eating a high - calorie, refined carb and high - fat diet.
calories of amla, many nutrients are significantly high in foods that once were, and should be still, available.
My reckoning should have been a pregnancy in which I could not gain weight, but I still persisted in my low - calorie, low - fat, low - protein, high - carb diet.
However, it is still high in calories and so should only be used by people who have high activity levels or it may contribute to weight gain.
That's because they're still high in calories.
Cacao still contains the fat, so it is a lot higher in saturated fat and calories.
Smoothies are slightly better because they also include the fiber, however they are still high, sometimes to a staggering degree, in calories and grams of sugar.
Many of the pre-made or ready to make versions are low in protein and still high in calories so for me I just decided to whip up my own recipe instead.
And if you go nuts when eating them and can't stop after a handful (they are still high in calories) have them shelled, like pistachios.
However, keep in mind that the coconut meat is still going to be a high calorie dense food, including with lots of saturated fat.
However, nuts are still high in calorie and fat so it is important to ensure portion sizes are being controlled effectively.
Because the foods in the right diet do not have the high calories of processed foods that are full of fat or sugar you never have to feel hungry and can still eat every couple of hours whilst remaining the same weight.
Many women on paleo do in fact still struggle with their weight, but instead of admitting that the diet is inefficient (too high in fat and calories), you just change the whole schema to fit your beliefs: Paleo women are a little bigger, so it must be that thin women must be unhealthy.
rather practicing short term methods, we need to work on sustainable solutions, even if family adjust food choices still there are a number of pressure from media, TVs, advertising even in the community convenience food available every where are high calorie and less nutrient dense, so the question is how we can we pass such obstacles?????????????
Wilma, The point regarding calories and protein is that, while some vegetables are considered high in protein (e.g. spinach and broccoli) because close to a quarter of their calories come from protein, what really matters for health is getting an adequate amount of protein (42 grams per day as noted in Dr. Greger's piece) and since most vegetables have so few calories, a quarter of the calories from of protein still doesn't add up to much.
Older dogs need a well balanced diet that is lower in calories, but still has adequate protein and fat, and is higher in fiber.
Even if it's relatively healthy, brown rice is still pretty high in carbohydrates and calories, which can add up quickly.
Clover is low - calorie, but it is still higher in sugar than most ideal rabbit foods, so it can cause digestive problems in large quantities.
At this stage, puppies and kitties are still growing rapidly, which is why they need higher levels of protein and more calories in order to meet growth charts.
Even if it is safe and comes with some potential health benefits, olive oil is still extremely high in fat and calories.
You may still need to calculate calories, but because most quality moist foods are lower in carbs and higher in protein, cats tend to feel satiated longer, and so eat less calorie wise.
Nutrition Healthy older dogs require a diet that is lower in calories, while still rich in essential nutrients such as high quality proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
So if you have been giving exceptionally high - calorie food in exceedingly large amounts when your pooch is still a puppy, then you can expect that your adult pooch may already have problems associated with obesity.
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