Sentences with phrase «still be necessary in cases»

Therapy or counseling might still be necessary in cases where problems stem from past abuse or other complex psychological issues, but in many cases, marriage mediation can help a marriage get back on track.

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Countries from Bahrain to Egypt have moved rapidly to provide the necessary infrastructure as «regional hubs» to capitalize on industry momentum, albeit the legislative frameworks are in certain cases still in flux.
I accept the conclusion of John Paul II that «today» cases in which the death penalty is still necessary are «very rare, if not practically nonexistent.»
Still, I am glad everyone was there in case they were needed, I know my sons would have had excellent care should it have been necessary.
Usually, in these cases, if mom can't pump and store her milk, she will transition her baby over to baby formula to ensure her baby is still receiving the necessary nutrition needed to grow healthy and strong.
Though he is the only name on the ballot in this race, it is still necessary to turn out in case of a write in challenger.
«The reason why you donate and show up to their fund - raisers is so you can hopefully be at least recognized and get a meeting if necessary,» said one defense lawyer, requesting anonymity because he still has pending cases in Manhattan.
«In many cases we're still learning how these bacteria influence our risk of disease, but understanding the human genetics component is a necessary step in unraveling the mystery,» Knights saiIn many cases we're still learning how these bacteria influence our risk of disease, but understanding the human genetics component is a necessary step in unraveling the mystery,» Knights saiin unraveling the mystery,» Knights said.
Still, neurobiologist Constance Scharff of the Free University of Berlin in Germany notes that to really make the case for a role of FOXP2 in echolocation, functional studies are necessary, such as knocking out the gene.
In cases where metal plates are still necessary, the paste minimises the amount of hardware needed, and provides a strong base for it to be attached to.
In other cases, where reproductive technology is necessary, this course could still end up saving you thousands of dollars by maximizing the chances that the first procedure will be successful.
There is some material on the web that is old, and while those guidelines still work, in some cases the constraints were a bit tighter than necessary.
Obtaining carotenoids from dietary sources — as well as supplementation if indicated — is still necessary, of course, but beneficial gut bacteria can help «take up the slack» in cases where diet or supplementation is less than optimal.
In that case, the argument for mandating open admissions is much more compelling, but it is still not necessary.
It is important to note that in cases where core math instruction needs to be strengthened, additional efforts to assist those students whose math scores are the weakest are still necessary.
As you point out, it is «very costly to produce such textbooks» and the software still falls short in many cases as do the necessary skills in the publishing companies.
What necessary in this case is persuasion, because it is a still unique method with help of which it is possible to achieve something.
My vet at the time assured me I am exactly the patient every vet hates to see (armed with a stack of printouts)... but after at least pretending to listen to my case and leafing through my supporting documents, explained a scraping would still be necessary — even in a case like this — in which she was absolutely certain sarcoptic mange was the ONE thing she could safely say it was NOT.
In some cases choke collars may also be necessary for certain types of naturally aggressive dogs or even for drastic rehabilitation, but it's still a sad thing to see a dog needing a choke collar to behave.
While no plan will be perfect and it's unrealistic to expect that there will be no out of pocket expenses, you still need to make sure that in a case of emergency, the policy will cover for procedures necessary for your pet's recovery.
In some cases, yes, a large budget is still necessary.
Given that your only means of communicating with your lawyer would have been by writing and receiving letters, telephoning them from a landline, or actually making an appointment to go into the office, then choosing a local solicitor would have been a wise choice in most cases (although, even in those times, it was still crucial to make sure they had the necessary expertise to deal with your legal problem!).
Only because lawyers and judges still think of records as pieces of paper in file drawers is it not given its necessary place in the case law.
At the same time, the AG's position that the GC was completely wrong (and thus that the Court should have set aside the whole judgment of the GC) is not fully coherent: even if the assessment will ultimately be based on the new instrument, in order to give effect to the transitional provision of art. 8 (3)(d) it is still necessary to assess the case according to the older instrument, and thus the Court was indeed correct in upholding that part of the GC's judgment.
That case was found to be of no importance in this case as the test still is what is reasonably necessary on the medical evidence so as to promote the medical well - being of the claimant.
After that the court still has the power (and duty: FPR 2010 r 1.4 (2)(e)-RRB- to control the calling of evidence by deciding whether or not to give permission; and in so doing the case management judge must decide whether the evidence is «reasonably required» to resolve issues before the court (civil proceedings generally: CPR 1998 r 35.1), or in the case of family proceedings whether it is «necessary to resolve the proceedings» (Children and Families Act 2014, s 13 (6)(children proceedings); FPR 2010 r 25.4 (3)(other family proceedings)-RRB-.
Any criminal charge is complex, and even in cases where it appears a plea may be necessary, you still need a criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.
Green J. reviewed the caselaw on the issue, and concluded that in that case, where the intention of the judge was to impose two years (24 months) and not twenty - five months incarceration, and where the error, although not clerical or administrative in nature was «an error, a slip of the tongue or clerical change rather than a substantive change,» he concluded he still had jurisdiction to make the necessary amendment to the sentence.
They may try to offset their drowsiness through caffeine, sugar, energy drinks, and other methods, but they will still be less alert than necessary to react in case of a problem or emergency on the road.
(i) the first guideline (on proving the factors necessary) should not be read as constituting a formal reversal of the burden of proof on to the party denying employment status, ie BERR in most cases; it may still be necessary for the putative employee to do more than produce documentation in order to satisfy the tribunal of that status; and
Not surprisingly, none of the cases that equate but - for with substantial connection mention the Clements definition of but - for in paragraph 8 (some, after Clements, still don't cite Clements, but just Resurfice) nor this statement in Athey, at para. 41.2: «Even if the accidents played a minor role, the defendant would be fully liable because the accidents were still a necessary contributing cause.»
In many cases, tour operators will help their clients apply for and obtain the visa or visas necessary for the tour, but if they don't — or if they get it wrong — you're still liable for the problem.
In many cases, the alumni association will suggest a particular travel insurance company with which they have a relationship, but they still place the burden of researching and understanding what coverage is necessary on the traveler.
So if you've got a mask over your face, Face ID won't work, in which case a passcode is still necessary.
Although not necessary in some cases and for some bosses, this is still a factor that you can not just give a cold shoulder to.
However career objectives are still necessary in certain cases, for instance if the candidate lacks experience or is going for a career change.
In some cases, the coursework necessary is offered on evenings or weekends, making it possible for people who feel a call to become a Christian counselor to pursue their training while still working a full time job.
Nonetheless, in some divorce cases, it may still be necessary to call character witnesses.
In many cases like that, it is no longer necessary to pursue separate termination proceedings against the biological father, which are still required in many stateIn many cases like that, it is no longer necessary to pursue separate termination proceedings against the biological father, which are still required in many statein many states.
In some cases, this option does not provide enough of a financial solution for the heir and, depending on the amount of equity that still needs to be paid, other courses of action might be necessary in order to avoid foreclosurIn some cases, this option does not provide enough of a financial solution for the heir and, depending on the amount of equity that still needs to be paid, other courses of action might be necessary in order to avoid foreclosurin order to avoid foreclosure.
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