Sentences with phrase «still comes to work»

He still comes to work (here at the Lewyt Medical Center) on the weekend with Carol Lee.
A good company has a CEO who, though is very rich, still comes to work every day and has his reputation on the line.
The good news there is the field is sufficiently complex to thoroughly exercise your gray matter (see, for example, David Fischer's analysis of the LinkLine litigation to be argued shortly before the Supreme Court), which means you're not just getting a job, but getting smarter too (case in point: before becoming an Internet marketer for lawyers I worked at Kaye Scholer and frequently saw Milton Handler, a name partner and guru of the antitrust bar, still coming to work well into his 90's).
The state owes Family Counseling Center at least $ 1 million for services already provided, and while most staff still come to work Crabb isn't sure how long they can continue.

Not exact matches

Still, even critics allow that having an HSA is better than no coverage, which is exactly the circumstance faced by many start - up entrepreneurs and the people they recruit to come work for their young companies.
There are still a lot of mysteries surrounding her, and fans have been working hard to try and figure out who she really is and where she came from.
Taco Bell and KFC franchisees are still working with Grubhub on what exactly will be delivered and how deliveries will be executed, so keep an eye out for the chains to start popping up on Grubhub and Seamless in the coming months.
Senate and House lawmakers will now work to come up with one version of the bill, though they still have some differences to resolve.
You can work 9 to 5 in a suit and tie in a stuffy cubicle, skip your lunch break and stay heads - down, and still get less done than someone who comes in at 9:30, takes several breaks, dresses casually, and communicates with his / her coworkers often.
If you really want to understand where robotics is heading, the following three themes — and the companies working on them, which generally are not well known outside their niches — can serve as a good introduction to the broader applications of this industry that are still yet to come.
Schneider: We were still figuring out exactly what kinds of games we were going to make, so we were like, «Hey, you should come work with us at Warner Bros.,» and they'd be like, «What do you make?»
But when it comes to understanding precisely how creativity works in the brain — and whether an innovator's brain is indeed different from yours and mine — the experts still have to rely more on conjecture than on fact.
I'm looking forward to the day when it gets really fine - grained — it would really have come in handy when I worked at the CBC, an absolutely giant maze of corridors that I still got lost in even after three years of working there.
The results of that work are still to come.
The only surprise risk factor when it comes to demographics is being anything other than heterosexual, though sadly this still makes sense given that most gay or bisexual people will be in the minority at work and may worry about discrimination.
I've been here 15 years now and am still excited to come into work and make a difference and have a good time doing it.
Of course, this comes down to what your profession is, and whether it is sustainable enough for you to work remotely and still earn a decent living.
That also means key stakeholders and a high percentage of contributors are still highly energized to help you launch and see the work they contributed towards come to fruition.
I think these are ways to remind ourselves that when people come to work, they're still individuals that represent a certain lifestyle or person.
It was only around 10 p.m., when the outcome was still too close to call, that the two sides came together, working through the night on a settlement: At 6:30 a.m., Hess announced that it would add three of Elliott's nominees to its board.
The economy may be recovering and the unemployment rate declining, but jobs are still hard to come by these days, which means states need to work harder than ever to attract new investment.
Instead, the layoffs show that bank executives still believe it has work to do when it comes to making the firm less volatile.
I do have my accounts linked to Personal Capital, and it is good, but in my opinion it is still a work in progress when it comes to customizing the analysis and doing hypothetical what - if type combinations.
«The initiative, code named Kalamata, is still in the early developmental stages, but comes as part of a larger strategy to make all of Apple's devices — including Macs, iPhones, and iPads — work more similarly and seamlessly together.»
We've seen a lot of evidence about what's coming, through the HomePod firmware leak, and reports including one from Bloomberg this week that outlines exactly how the iPhone interface will work without a home button, but Apple should still have plenty to reveal that we haven't seen at this event, including at least a few amazing ARKit demos.
His name first came into the spotlight in 2011 with a research paper entitled «Safe Savings Rate: A New Approach to Retirement Planning over the Life Cycle,» and much of his work is still centered on its main concept: That anyone who saves at their own «safe savings rate» will likely be able to achieve their retirement spending goals, regardless of their actual wealth accumulation and withdrawal rate.
How come so many founders still wake up to this horrible truth, after months or years of hard work?
While the city has been adding about 10,000 new apartments a year, a high number compared to Silicon Valley, it is still not enough to house all the new employees coming there to work at Amazon or work in businesses that service the company and its workers.
TRD revisited Long Island real estate's 2008 numbers to see how far the market has come — and what's still a work in progress
Between now and the 2019 campaign, it seems Canada's leader of the official Opposition will have his work cut out for him trying to come across as something more than the puppet of the two strong men of the still - recent Conservative federal era.
If you're still waiting for work to come in, make sure your workers are at least ready to go when needed.
Further challenges come from the fact that Mrs. and Mr. Surf keep their finances separate (similar situation as in the Case Study for Rene) and Mr. Surf will still be working for a number of years, so we have to make some assumptions on how to assign the tax burden between Mr. and Mrs. Surf.
And while several newer conventional loan options come close to the FHA loan in each of these areas, they still work differently from FHA loans when it comes to mortgage insurance and the funding sources you're allowed to use.
-- The initiative, code named Kalamata, is still in early developmental stages but comes as part of a bigger strategy to make Apple's family of devices work more similarly and seamlessly together, according to the report
But renters still have to go to work, eat and continue living their lives until they can return home or find a new permanent residence, which is where loss of use coverage comes in handy.
Still waiting for it to just «come together» and start working again, you know in a big bang sort of way.
You're talking about the type of «evolution» that we always knew existed and to make matters worse you're bragging about the advancements made by INTELLIGENT HUMAN BEINGS which still don't even come close to the complication of macro evolution but still required thousands of years of scientific advancement and knowledge and a team of researchers with high iq's working aroudn the clock with microscopes.
Still other seminal works have observed that private actions, notably post-revolution sexual habits, were having massive public consequences; Charles Murray's Losing Ground and Francis Fukuyama's The Great Disruption come especially to mind.
Sure, they can't speak English, but they don't come here with the hidden agenda of trying to get us to «convert or die»... I swear, I work in technology, which is a very, very diverse industry... And I still have to meet a nice, sincere Muslim that does not want to make your life difficult.
I've never lived in Dublin, there is no desk that's mine, but Google has an app for that — the job is all online.I've never been in the office, I've never met the boss.The email still gets through to me, the cash still comes across.If I can work this much for them, tasking on a screen, why should....
So how could both come about at the same time and in the same place so as to work together and still survive outside a cell (that obviously does not exist yet)?
It says in 1john 3:8 whoever sins belongs to the devil and Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil which was sin.Think about this, right or wrong things is not sin, sin is a nature that you were born with, but when you confessed your sins he forgave you, and you became a new creature, old things have passed away and now you are a new person; and a new person is not the same, if you can still sin after being born again then what did he take away, don't you know that his blood is so powerful that you don't have to worry about sinning because it has been destroyed, he took it away.
If you have a work schedule like mine, you get up while it is still dark, get to work before the sun comes up, and leave work after the sun goes down.
The king who is still Israel incarnate: Joram the son of the assassin, for Joram is indeed the son of Ahab, murderer of the prophets of Yahweh, and also murderer of Naboth (the miserable little story of Naboth continually comes up again); Joram himself an assassin, for it is his intention to continue his father's work and to slay the prophet — the king is judged; everything converges now.
There is still no immediate prospect of the Chinese building an arcology, but they have an exhibit of his work currently in Beijing and the group coming to our conference on ecological civilization plans to visit Arcosanti.
Thus, although we still need to respect the doorbell image, in the sense that the pastor must make himself available to his people and not merely wait in an office until they come, we must reject its hidden assumptions that pastoral work with people is routine, perhaps dull, and certainly not as central to ministry as preaching.
Its something that got my attention as it seems out of character for Jesus to do and does nt fit the bible context the word says that Jesus came to destroy the works of satan in this case he appears to be helping him.Interested in your thoughts.I have got my conclusions on this thanks to the holy spirit it certainly does nt shake my faith in Christ he is still the same yesterday today and forever.brentnz.
Confront the ideas you may have held on to for a long time and figure out where they came from, why you still have them and if they are still working for you.
The gentleness of the One who is to come is hinted at, but we still have John the Baptist pointing to the fulfillment of his own work.
Thats exactly what I say when it comes to the retarded leaders who think capitalism still works out well.
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