Sentences with phrase «still gets cranky»

Not exact matches

The gluten - free diet did not get the job done and my gut was still cranky.
This is the «get off my lawn» cranky old guy who called Hinkie's analytics chops the equivalent of «Sorcery» in 2015 & Colangelo was SO behind the times in Toronto that if not for his daddy sneaking him in the back door w / the Sixers would Still be out of the NBA & the clock would be past 5 years w / o a single NBA Job offer at this point
They might still be afraid of dark and get cranky easily when afraid, hungry or angry etc..
She is still taking 4 naps a day, I am wondering if we need to cut out the last one??? I notice that she gets so tired though, she's cranky just before she needs to go down.
I still go to church each Sunday for spiritual grounding; if I don't go I get cranky, so I know it is essential.
Distraction is a behaviour management strategy that comes naturally to parents in situations where behaviour might be a problem — for example, when children are getting cranky, when they've been sitting still for a long time, when sharing or taking turns with others is getting hard and so on.
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