Sentences with phrase «still getting book reviews»

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Your session on The New Rules of Marketing and PR received rave reviews from the audience and, as a testament to how interesting and informative you were, we are still getting requests for extra copies of your book.
So December will be a little quiet, though I've still got some good stuff lined up for the month: a review of Christena Cleveland's book Disunity in Christ, «Ask an Open Theist» with Greg Boyd, a list of 101 amazing Christian women speakers, and a cheat sheet for N.T. Wright's latest book.
I agree with a lot of the lesser reviews of this book, but felt that it still should get four stars, whilst it has recipes which cooks and chefs would not call recipes in the wider sense I don't personally think that Ella in both her books is neccesarily all about the recipes.
These are great tips, still can't believe I haven't got round to doing number 5 Natasha Mairs recently posted... The Secrets Sisters Keep by Sinead Moriarty Book Review
Even if it results in an occasional review getting pulled, the book marketing benefit of social media still outweighs this concern.
If you can't give your book away for free, it's probably because you still haven't gotten 10 + reviews, or your cover is ugly.
I'm a former museum publicist who could get museum exhibitions review in all the media in the Bay Area and many across the nation, as well as p.r. for that museum's published books — and a former journalist with good press rapport — yet the book is still blanked by the media.
Reblogged this on Tammy J Rizzo and commented: Still more excellent advice for self - publishing authors, on how to (not) get your book reviewed, again from Catherine, Caffeinated.
Still, the book got enough good reviews to encourage me.
This is my current favourite way of finding quality reviewers on Goodreads and you'll even be able to find Top Amazon reviewers who are still active: Easiest Way To Get Book Reviews!
Still I get almost daily requests for book reviews.
Needless to say when we get approached by folks who want us to review their books or post guest blogs, we're still somewhat shocked.
But I'm still struggling to get enough reviews of my own books, even with high Goodreads ratings and good cover design.
Even if it is all about the host, or the blogger, perhaps they do book reviews — which is still a great opportunity for you to get your content in front of a new audience.
Although traditional book publicists still think of book reviews as mainly appearing in newspapers, magazines, and journals, there are also online opportunities to get book reviews.
If you're interested in getting a book deal for a new book, then it still has to pass the standard review process, but you'll have the extra advantage of an incredible track record.
Even the very best authors still get 1, 2, and 3 star reviews on their books.
I still remember getting Encrypted reviewed at The Fantasy Book Critic, a big site that usually sticks to traditionally published stuff (or at least it did back then) and that I got a nice boost in sales that February.
Still, if you've got a well - organized review campaign in place, it's possible to get honest reviews posted and shared on your publication date so that people who learn about the book see honest reader feedback as soon as they visit the book's sales page.
You need more than 84 book reviews (this is down from 101... so good needs — still a book load to gather) before Amazon will recommend your book to other visitors in the section that says, «People who bought this also bought...» GO get them... ask and re-ask... it's what you have to do
There are no barriers to publication now, and you can write garbage but still get a lot of people to write glowing reviews that convince others that your book is amazing.
They make all the difference and it's due to their sharing, re-sharing and dead honest reviews, that my book got as far as it did and is still selling today!
I'm still getting books to read and at least review books don't have to be returned in 2 or 3 weeks.
One can pay several hundred dollars to get their book reviewed, yet still get a bad review.
It's funny — even after shutting down my book review blog, I still get emails all the time asking me to review books.
I just don't know... I totally understand that priority # 1 for many authors is getting their book out there and reviewed, but... taking the time to find out of a blog is still active and if they even review should be the first step.
So far I have sent out review request letters one has gotten back to me and agree to review my book, I have started researching book clubs in my genre, and I have joined communities and discussion groups online but my sales are still scant, I have heard of the blog tours but I feel discourage, in my mind I can't figure out what I have to offer as a gust blogger but like you said I have to change my frame of mind because I do love my book and I'm proud of it.
Even in an age where every reader can post amateur ratings and reviews books on sites like Amazon, GoodReads and Barnes and Noble, writers and publishers still scramble to get professional book reviews from credible sources.
And then I remembered, I had an agent, a great agent, I wrote great books (so all the rejecting editors told me) and yes, you are right, self pub has given my stories a voice and an ear and the chance to be read, when they otherwise would have still been gathering dust on my hard drive, yet, on the other hand this is hard, REALLY HARD, it is SO hard to find your way to a readership as a SP, with limited funds (dwindling)... and the glimmer of trad pub — with their power to splash your name around established circles of readers, and their ability to secure a great number of reviews where, as a self pub, doors have been slammed in my face — becomes temptingly shiny again, (it's like childbirth, you forget all the painful stuff with time)... and it all gets very tempting... almost tempting enough to consider sacrificing one work JUST one artistic premise for the trade off of visibility... and then perhaps, just perhaps THEN, my SP efforts will finally sprout wings... but then I hear you and other say, it wasn't worth it, you'd never do it again, and I sigh... And then I wake up the next morning and think of packing it all in, and going to work for Walmart and steady shitty pay... lol And then along comes this blog post.
I finally got in (I have one hardcover book out recently being very well reviewed — I write the kinds of books that still do well in hardcover but don't sell much in ebook).
I have over 50 books and I have launched dozens, and dozens of books, but it still a pain point trying to get reviews.
experiment with amazon ads, use 300 + keywords and see what converts the best (you won't get many sales on a preorder book with no reviews, but you can still see which keywords get the most visibility and clicks).
She hired someone she liked, but the book still got a review citing editing.
Still, the overwhelmingly positive reviews this hotel gets on every major booking site can't be ignored.
About Me Contact Books Reviews Ask a Manager 16 months after leaving job, still getting hassled by old boss March 2, 2011 We recently talked about how long it's reasonable to answer questions from a past employer after you've left.
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