Sentences with phrase «still go»

So you can say «black lives matter» and still go into a space where the «other» in your community is a person of native descent, of Mexican descent.
But even when he is speaking in the tones of Jeremiah, he will suddenly break in with the melody of Isaiah, offering hope that in repentance we can still go forward toward God in genuine hope; and he will do so in passages (here from «Transgressions and Infirmities») that powerfully recall the cadences of St. Paul: «On the whole, then, this may be considered a Christian's state: ever about to fall, yet by God's mercy never falling; ever dying, yet always alive; full of infirmities, yet free from transgressions; and, as time goes on, more and more free from infirmities also, as tending to that perfect righteousness which is the fulfilling of the Law.»
the females need pads for when they have periods the kids still go to school even though homeless so book bag is handy.
Or he gets saved, does all those things, and can ask for forgiveness, and still go to heaven?
Do we as a family still go to our home church?
Since Mark Rubio left the mormon cult can he still go to the planet kolob?
If the alternative is the status quo that shuts many people out of higher education and burdens many of the rest with enormous debts, then people will still go with the Sanders plan.
But even once this is done, and the light shines into our lives, we still go through times and periods of darkness.
I still go, but I can tell you I don't miss the involvement in leadership and maintaining the machine.
We must not make a decision based on our hope that we can still go to heaven even when we purposefully and blatantly rebel against God.
Why do I still go to church?
I think that's one reason — of many — why I still go to church.
I still think we should still go to the church... or maybe a meeting where all the believer can learn from each other, strengthening each other, pray for each other etc, and of course, to worship God together... It is true that sometime I feel that I do not learn many thing from the sermon, but, many times, I learn by going to the church, knowing that I will not learn something from the preacher, humble myself to still listen to God and worship Him,,,, it is such a blessing to hear others testimony about how God works in their life, it is such an encouragement to see people open up their problem, then, we can pray about them..
Today I still go to my church, but at a greatly reduced level of involvement.
I was raised Catholic, still go to church semi0regularly but identify as an independent Christian
I can not undertsand what believers say the feel in Church, I think they're full of it; but I don't question why they still go.
Mostly Christianity and mostly Fundamentalists still go in and destroy cultures.
That was six years ago and I still go to therapy.
Just like someone who commits a crime can be forgiven by his or her victim, they still go to jail / pay a fine.
If we knew that we would still go to Heaven if we killed ourselves, there would probably be a lot more suicides taking place than there already are.
... we still go to the doctor, if the need arised.
As i grew older i became more intellectually and scientifically driven and although i do still go to church when i can its more for me a place when i am having a bad day that is a refuge a place that i just feel at peace in probably because i grew up in a church was there every Sunday and every holy day of obligation with my parents it brings back peacful memories.
Just believe whatever you want to and still go to Mass if you like it.
Unfortunately, sometimes you can follow all of this advice to the letter, and things will still go south around the dinner table.
I'm agnostic but I still go to church with my family because it makes them happy.
just be sure to ask for forgiveness, so you can still go to heaven!!!!!!
This is probably in part because investors assume that an IPO transaction in and of itself is an indication that a company is doing well, although a unicorn company could be doing well but still go public at a price per share less than the price paid by the unicorn investor.
Bitcoin is currently trading in the same sideways range over the past week, with some controversial traders acknowledging that it can still go down to test # 5.9 k ($ 8.2 k) soon.
... I don't understand why I can can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war» Sam Zeif was on the second floor of the Parkland, Florida, school where 17 people died after a mass shooting.
Because if they've been sitting in cash, even if a 50/50 stock bond portfolio is right for them, they know that if they put 50 % overnight into stocks, that that 50 % can still go down 50 % again like it did before.
We're largely in an era of «one - tool - fits - all» and that's where tool builders still go first in a bid for success and market share.
However, this means that if something happens down the line that causes the owner of a policy to not want their initial beneficiary to receive their death benefit (such as divorce), it'll still go to the beneficiary they chose during their application.
Markets still go both up and down.
«I don't understand why I can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war, an A-R,» Mr. Zeif said, referring to the AR - 15 rifle.
Baupost doesn't go short because unlike going long when you can take advantage of a drop in the value of an undervalued security by just buying more, if your short even though you may be right that it's worth less then the trading price you can still go broke.
It does not mean energy stocks can not go down more and there is a fair chance that oil may still go down further, however, I feel good about nibbling now to build up positions and add even more positions later if the energy stocks were to go down further, getting Santa Claus gifts even before arrival of Christmas to patient investors and we will be rewarded for that for long time to come.
Despite the fact that our fresh mobile juice truck company is a standard one with a wide range of fresh juice and smoothie products that can favorably compete with other leading brands in the United States, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for all our products and brand.
You can lower your initial rate by choosing a variable - rate loan, but that rate can still go up or down in concert with indexes like the prime rate or LIBOR.
Of course, no matter how many times we look at numbers and trends we must still go with a gut instinct for better or worse.
«And I don't understand why I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war.»
The lower quality mortgages for which the g - fee underprices risk, on the other hand, still go to the GSEs.
If you're not a professional chef, you can still go Tower - to - Table (and even grow the same plants that chefs do) at home with your own Tower Garden.
I think other banks might work better though because they send instant text messages or phone calls when a fraud alert is triggered so you can confirm and then the transaction will still go through.
I still go to work but I think I can be relied to binary robot income soon solely as I lift the budget to trading a little more.
South Korea's government announced that it may still go on to ban the trading of cryptocurrencies on exchanges, following apparently conflicting reports on the matter days earlier.
Why You Need Marketing Emails Marketing emails still go a long way in making money.
Now commodities may still go down for a while, but I don't think they'll stay down forever.
Fixed - rate loans provide a measure of certainty, although your monthly payments on a federal loan can still go up over time if you choose an income - driven repayment plan.
If you had a highway with no speed limit, the majority of drivers would still go about 90 miles per hour.
I still go to Yahoo over Google for news (although Yahoo continues to test me with their recent UX changes for the worse).
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