Sentences with phrase «still hanker»

I live inFrance but still hanker from time to time after the real English cottage.!!!
Chelsea and her close colleagues laugh at themselves for being foolish: after all their years of practice they still hanker after an appreciative word from their partners for taking on some of the essential but non-billable work critical to the firm's... [more]
Instead of concentrating on the biologically more meaningful task of attempting to understand the microevolutionary processes that have created the rich genetic diversity within groups, «molecular anthropologists» still hanker after global explanations.
I still hanker sometimes after the sheer fun of the American scene, and the story of Obama's decline, from walking on water to treading it, is fascinating.
I suspect that Pope Benedict XVI holds very similar views, but it is manifest that many in Rome still hanker for collectivist solutions, and are afraid of free persons acting freely.
My wife still hankers after the power it had, although it was so big she used to find herself apologising to other people in car parks for the amount of space it occupied!»

Not exact matches

We still have detractors — those who hanker for old ways and those afflicted with an El Greco - like sombreness.
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