Sentences with phrase «still more stimulus»

But most importantly, central banks have added still more stimulus.

Not exact matches

I don't think the Bank of Canada should be any hurry to remove the monetary stimulus that's currently in place: There is still some slack in the labour market — particularly among youths — and inflation has been undershooting the Bank's target for more than a year now.
Stronger price rises would take the pressure off the European Central Bank to instigate still more aggressive monetary stimulus measures.
«Admittedly, some members still think more stimulus is required and just wanted to wait for August's Inflation Report, when a range of policy options would be discussed,» Redwood said in a note.
European Central Bank head Mario Draghi says the eurozone economy still needs abundant stimulus to raise inflation to more normal levels even in the midst of a strengthening recovery.
But it's still about $ 28 billion more than it spent last year, before the massive «stimulus» binge.
Not only are these uncertainties still with us, they have likely prompted central banks to roll out even more monetary stimulus, which in turn has likely lifted asset prices and given the false impression of a backstop against further sharp declines.
Although the ancient Yemenite civilization which found its stimulus in its favorable climate and trade is no more, the latent human and natural resources of the country are still there and will come to the fore when they have security from foreign invasion and can introduce modernization and democratic rule.
You'll still get some aerobic benefits (40 minutes is no small thing), but the HIT session at the end will more or less overshadow the aerobic stimulus.
As the Sept. 30 deadline passed for states and districts to spend the majority of their education stimulus funds, more than $ 2 billion was still left, at least on paper, according to the latest U.S. Department of Education spending report updated through the end of last month.
Not only are these uncertainties still with us, they have likely prompted central banks to roll out even more monetary stimulus, which in turn has likely lifted asset prices and given the false impression of a backstop against further sharp declines.
But don't forget all that prior Fed stimulus is still going to be out there sloshing about, and we actually have three other «Feds» who remain hard at work — so even in this scenario, I suspect the US market can still forge its way higher, albeit at a more hesitant & painful pace...
Which is a terrifying reminder of the underlying economic reality since then — in the absence of trillions of monetary (& fiscal) stimulus, and the bond & equity market rallies they've induced, quite obviously something more like (or even worse than) Japan's lost decade (or two) would otherwise have been on the cards (& might still be)...
And bearing in mind unprecedented stimulus this time» round, the fact that post-credit crisis volatility has proved to be far less responsive & far more jagged — not to mention central banks have failed to generate any appreciable price inflation, despite all forecasts to the contrary — is rather terrifying confirmation of how bad the underlying collapse & deleveraging really was (& still is), absent currency debasement...
When your dog will sit still despite the open door, and not move until you verbally release him to go, you are ready to add more stimulus, such as the sound of knocking.
Again, no money was spent abroad, the company is on track to pay its loans on time, it's still attracting even more private investment, and American workers benefited from the stimulus.
China's Development Still Soot - Stained China's «green stimulus» has been greatly exaggerated, and the economic and social strain of the recession has put more pressure on local governments to cut corners — that is, keep polluting factories going.
This study extends previous research on empathy by demonstrating that, even when using rich and multi-sensory stimulus materials that are more ecologically - valid than those used in previous studies, male adolescents with CD still display significant impairments in emotion recognition and affective empathy — these deficits were particularly evident for sadness, fear, and disgust.
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