Sentences with phrase «still normal human beings»

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Still, I can't help voicing that religion here seems to be stealing a perfectly normal, biological, and secular part of the human experience with the silly assertion that «God = Love».
He also rejected as inhuman King's command to love the enemy: «It is not possible to love a man whose chief purpose in life is to humiliate you and still be considered a normal human being
,» Biologically, 4 years is still in the normal range for humans
Her doctor was shocked but said that since humans are still evolving her early development may be more normal than we think research is only limited to certain group studies.She just turned 6 months on 7/25/14 and she is now completely pulling herself up on furniture and has taken her first few steps without support.
That is normal human behaviour, not least of all in Britain, which is still more private than most other countries.
However, it is worth remembering that amongst NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS - who don't read, let alone make comments on this august website - Ken Clarke's appearances, over the last three months in particular, have resonated well, and for punters who are otherwise still unsure of our economic competance he has been an asset.
Although electrolyte leakage is still undesired, its danger is minimized by the use of either the normal saline solution pumped into the body in most IV treatments or a cell - culture medium that contains amino acids, sugars, and vitamins in addition to sodium ions and thus mimics the fluid that surrounds human cells.
Lead researcher Haifeng Ye, professor of synthetic biology at East China Normal University, said that while the experiments were a success, the technology is still a long way from human clinical trials.
Even if exceptional humans were found as low as 700 cc, it is still implausible for Lubenow to claim (p. 162) that ER 1470, at 750 - 775 cc, is «well within the normal human range».
It's just human nature to want to indulge in food after accidental or intentional deprivation, and whether it's normal or not, it's still interfering with your goals.
The swingers» society is still connected to any local stages two and three, but in the next year or two may be, human beings would believe that as a new normal way of life it is like homosexuality and racial change.
Through these features, members get to know how others are fighting this condition and still living the life of a normal human being who has everything in life to be happy about.
Even if we understand that biting and mouthing are normal things that puppies do, they can still be quite problematic in a human household!
Ruby's spray painted blocks and wall hangings seem to reference the aesthetic of these 90's video game graphics that place the viewer in this familiar world where you're still a normal human, but, due to technological limitations, non-essential information, such as concrete walls, aren't highly rendered.
Months before, Still was creating normal - sized paintings that merged together human figures and machines.
The normal pH of human blood is 7.4, and anything below 7.35 of above 7.45 will begin to cause problems (yes, even though 7.35 is still «alkaline,» the technical term is «blood acidosis»).
He'll still clamber over the cannons on his ship, knocking into crew, because it's seemingly impossible to get him to walk like a normal human.
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