Sentences with phrase «still opportunity for everyone»

When you're small, there is still opportunity for everyone to interact and for the founder to remain heavily involved.

Not exact matches

These were basically in everyone's lunch box on the daily, and lucky for us, this snack can still be bought today, which allows our taste buds the opportunity for a trip down memory lane.
«Everyone is still getting their feet back under them economically, there's a lot of expansion opportunity while interest rates are still low, so we think in a lot of areas, particularly in New York where we have a big population base, probably we don't know how much more we can grow but there's definitely room for growth,» said Giles.
Everyone interviewed for this article said there still would be spats between the men as opportunities arise.
While he sees great opportunity for social discovery in mobile, Dash said he realizes the platform is still evolving and not everyone has fully embraced it yet.
Everyone has abandoned expensive brand islands in Second Life — though there are still plenty of low - to - no cost opportunities for independent publishers and authors «in - world».
FF Explorers is definitely not what everyone expected and hoped for, but there is still a solid game under too much hype and several unappealing layers of missed opportunity.
Everyone on the Gaming Trend staff has had the opportunity to make a case for our personal top ten games of the year, but we still had to come to a consensus on what the site's top ten was going to be.
There's still a pretty vast knowledge gap for many lawyers which creates the opportunity for almost everyone to be an expert.
Of course I still recommend that anyone who's looking for the next opportunity - AND everyone should always be looking now - needs to start where most fortune 1000 companies and recruiters start,»
The opportunity for our school is better communication to parents on all activities taking place at the school - we get newsletter phone tree calls social posts teacher blogs but there are still areas for improvement to ensure everyone is informed.
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