Sentences with phrase «still shudders»

The transmission still shudders on occasion and its get up and go has got up and went.
Max still shudders at the memory of what he believed was a barbaric Western custom.
The Demons are also said to have the same belief (or faith) as James, and yet they still shudder.
A couple of goals would be fantastic for him and us, especially as we still shudder at the thought of Niasse and Kone being our reserve strikers...
However, I still shudder when I think about an incident when — after an outing at a Boston bar with friends — I got into the car of someone who definitely shouldn't have been driving.
From the beginning, social situations have been scary and challenging for T. I still shudder when I recall my dear friend stooping to say hello, and T responding by punching her right in the snout.
I still shudder to think what I would with my two year old do if I were traveling to a not so tourist friendly place.
My grandchildren are all past the age when teething is a big problem, but I still shudder when I see small children wearing amber teething necklaces.
I still shudder when I think about the months I spent breastfeeding, pumping, and supplementing with a supplemental nursing system about every hour.
I still shudder when I pick up a stack of feedback sheets after a speaking engagement, or when I submit an article to an editor and don't get an «atta boy» an hour or two later!
When we got to the vestibule of our building, he leapt out of the stroller and turned to me, arms outstretched, still shuddering / sighing / sobbing.
(I still shudder when I thing about getting my hand caught in an alternator cooling fan on a vehicle I was working on..
Oh yeah, we drank cheap beer... I still shudder at Nat Light.
It's fashionable these days to bash mega galleries for supporting empty, overwrought spectacles, and while those empty, overwrought spectacles are a problem, I still shudder to think of a world without the megas.
I still shudder when I recall the magistrates who had to be saved by their legal adviser from issuing a warrant before the officer had even finished what he had to say.

Not exact matches

I shudder to think to of the number of Americans who still believe Russia rigged Trump's victory or Russia poisoned Skirpal or Assad is spraying his citizens with gas.
Today, we still see our share of religious violence and inconsistent or abusive behavior by prominent religious leaders, which rightly makes us shudder, if not roil with anger.
As her tears abated, there was still quavering in her voice, and a touch of shuddering in her tone and outlook.
Ms. Hinlicky has clearly not exorcised all the demons of what I take to be her former liberalism if she still reflexively shudders at the notion of black and white students eating at different tables, i.e., segregation by choice.
... And lo, even while all things shuddered and heaved in earthquake, reeling for fear, his divine Soul ascended, giving life and strength to all; and again creation was still, as if the divine Crucifixion and Extension had everywhere unfolded and spread, penetrating all things, through all and in all.
I shudder to think that I'm still resistant at the Authority over me now... but He is the Author of my faith!
Those cringey pictures of the British lads all signing new contracts with Wenger standing over them back in 2012/13 still sends shudders down my spine!!
'' It's the way the companies mail samples to an expecting woman's house before she's even had the baby as if to say, you're milk isn't good enough» If someone is so fragile and needy that they get that message from a sample of formula, I shudder to think what they are going to do when much bigger and still routine parts of parenthood rear their heads (like reading a report card that has things marked «needs improvement»)
For nearly five minutes, the ground shuddered violently in what was, and still is, the second biggest temblor in recorded history.
There's a nighttime scene with a specific kind of insect that still gives me shudders thinking about it.
The words dodge ball still can cause some adults to shudder, even though it might have been decades since a ball beaned them in a physical education class.
More impressive still, given that this is an open - top car, is that the steering column feels rock - solid and there's no hint of flex or shudder from the chassis.
The Mazda automatic's own internal clutches still engage sooner than is customary, though, and the result is improved mechanical efficiency without the shudder you might expect.
The ride is fairly comfortable, but the Navigator still feels like a truck, alternately bouncing over bumps and transmitting shudders through the cabin over broken pavement.
It is still not perfect though - the Apollo Alnac 4G tyres seem to struggle with handling the torque of the diesel motor, the steering wheel is quicker to turn but does not give a lot of feedback and there seems to be an increased driveline shudder as compared to the standard car.
There's also still a lot of electric operation available even with the battery depleted, and the van alternates drive modes as the situation allows with nary a shudder.
We need to insert a caveat here because although the Nissan Navara rides and handles very well for a pick - up truck, those used to large passenger SUVs will still notice the occasional shudder from the suspension and the weighty feel of the truck on the road.
And car still has issues with leaking wiper system, shuddering on idle and jerky transmission.
It came boring out of the east like some ribald satellite of the coming sun howling and bellowing in the distance and the long light of the headlamp running through the tangled mesquite brakes and creating out of the night the endless fenceline down the dead straight right of way and sucking it back again wire and post mile on mile into the darkness after where the boilersmoke disbanded slowly along the faint new horizon and the sound came lagging and he stood still holding his hat in his hands in the passing ground - shudder watching it till it was gone.
Still at some distance, great guns were firing; they drew nearer, and every window shuddered in reply.
We shudder to think the stir this game would have caused if it had come out in January, as originally scheduled, but it is still well worth owning in May.
[Note, I've never played Farmville so I don't really have anything against the game or people who play it... but still... * shudders *]
If you're still using a lower - resolution display or (shudder) a fat CRT display, embracing a high - definition 1080p monitor will provide a huge step up in usability.
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