Sentences with phrase «still skittish»

Lenders are still skittish about making construction loans.
Given high vacancy rates and lenders that are still skittish about committing relatively large amounts for construction and development financing, it is hard to justify breaking ground on new office projects, Reis said.
Or are folks still skittish?
Newton while still skittish around most people is much more relaxed on the whole.
He is still skittish around new people and it takes patience for him to become comfortable around new people and new settings but to see him get braver and more confident each day is worth the effort!
After the housing market collapse and subsequent foreclosure crisis, lenders are still skittish and unwilling to take on what they may see as unnecessary risk.
Meanwhile, losses in Treasuries will likely be contained by equity markets that are still skittish about what higher rates will mean, they said.
Even after a seven - year bull market in U.S. stocks, investors are still skittish.

Not exact matches

Though I'm still a little skittish of trying to ferment something, this recipe looks great!
He is still a little skittish, but he has improved 1,000 percent.»
His passing was nicer but man some awful touches and he still seems so skittish dribbling into open space
In my head, I know you're absolutely right, but we lost a pregnancy while nursing (I conceived at 23 months) so my heart is still a little skittish about it.
Five days after an unfurling umbrella spooked him into bolting across Central Park West with a buggy full of terrified Texans, Arthur the skittish carriage horse has «retired» to the country — where he's still kicking up a cloud of controversy.
Although recently rising prices for stocks, high - yield bonds, commodities and other riskier assets would suggest otherwise, investors remain skittish over the still unresolved and quite concerning risks facing financial markets, such as the U.S. presidential election, the potentially prolonged post-Brexit renegotiations, Italian bank solvency and a slowing China.
Stray cats can be handled and pet, although they still may be skittish or frightened and run away from people.
He's still a little skittish if he doesn't see you coming to pet him, but he believes he's a little tuffy and likes to yell at our other inu's.
Tiger is still a bit skittish and need some time to warm up, so he needs someone patient and gentle like he is.
She is still shy and skittish so would need to be an only pet while she continues to learn to trust again.She needs a caring, loving, patient, mature person who she would follow around and keep her / him company.
They came from an extreme neglect situation andare doing well with me but still is skittish around new situations or people.
he came from an extreme neglect situation and is doing well with me but still is skittish around new situations or people.
He is still kind of a skittish, and definitely on guard in the house, but he's sweet and is fine with receiving affection.
I'm still a little skittish around small children but I've learned if small ones are around I just go escape to my crate and sit, watch and learn!
She is still fearful, skittish, hypersensitive to sudden noises and movements.
She is still very skittish, but I've only had her four months.
I have to tell you that I do have PTSD from my time of the streets and am still VERY skittish.
Elsewhere, Homefront is still in the top ten, which should be great news for even the most skittish and panicky THQ shareholders.
The beasts also look fantastic, with the MT Framework engine pumping out some impressive animations that bring the damsel - kidnapping Ogre, the laser - firing Golem and the skittish Griffin to life before you move like Jason and fashion their still - warm bones into a fancy new fleece that protects against chimera venom.
Although the U.S. economy is still sputtering and the capital markets remain skittish, the worst is probably over for the seniors housing industry, according to several new reports...
He is still a little skittish about wood steps though!
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