Sentences with phrase «still sleepy»

Still a sleepy beach village, many love Yorkeys Knob for its inexpensive accommodation and relaxed, casual surrounds.
Not because you're still sleepy, but «cause you don't have much to look forward to.
There's something magical about the morning «dawn patrol» session — the town is still sleepy, the water is warm and glassy, and the waves are perfect.
Hotel Santa Barbara continues a grand tradition begun in 1876 when the City of Santa Barbara was still a sleepy pueblo.
If you still sleepy, you can continue to sleep in our comportable car, the journey to tget to start point around two hours.
We gathered our things, with eyes still sleepy, and prepared ourselves for the upcoming ten - mile hike into the Havasupai canyon.
The jangling of the bell disturbed the household, waking the gentry, startling such servants who were already up but still sleepy, and disconcerting the upper servants, who were not yet properly dressed for front door work.
I'm still sleepy from our holiday weekend that included 3 days in a row of neighborhood hanging out, Playing backyard games, And staying out late with bonfires and red solo cups.
Still sleepy and trying not to make too much noise I just dumped a few ingredients in the mixing bowl, gave it a whirl and in the oven it went.
I don't know what else to do because she wakes up still sleepy and yawning.
You can also try offering it when he's just waking up and perhaps still sleepy enough to take it.
Most children who wake up while they are swaddled quickly fall back to sleep if they are still sleepy.
They are still sleepy and I assume they will just still in the car.
This involved going into her room when she woke at night, telling her it wasn't time to get up and still sleepy time, laying her back down, telling her we loved her and would come get her in the morning, and leaving the room while she cried for first 10 minutes, then 15, then 20, etc..
The midwife came out the next day to check on us and tried to get him latched on but he was still sleepy.
Another option could be that you would set out extremely early in the morning while your children are still sleepy.

Not exact matches

While these are just projections, the numbers are still impressive for a «sleepy» utility.
Maggie's eyes were sleepy and she was still for the first time since her feet hit the floor twelve hours earlier as I quietly sang the old nonsense of «Lavender blue, dilly - dilly / Lavender green / when I am king dilly - dilly, you shall be queen.
Her eyes are sleepy, her hair is a tousle, and she still wants me.
And so I rise again, and again, and again, never knowing if you will be sleepy or ravenous or recalcitrant, or if our next session will be like walking beside the still waters or wrestling with an angel.
The soiled dishes, the messy kitchen, the clues of food that nourished body and soul, in essence, the art form of my loving and working life, needs to be still the state they were left when the last guest said goodbye or a sleepy child, full of perfectly roasted chicken and thick slabs of fresh bread, went off to sleep.
The family - friendly, but still a bit eerie, ride winds its way through spooky sites while listening to narration of the story of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Austin doesn't yet know how to be a proper city, many here still want to be that sleepy college town.
You ever have a morning when you're still a bit sleepy and you spill your coffee all over your car which makes you a few minutes late for work which causes you to catch that terrible traffic jam which causes you to be late for that important meeting which impacts your upcoming raise which...
Every morning the members of our extended, crazy, traveling circus family stagger out of buses and wander the gauntlet sleepy - eyed and sometimes still in pajamas, in search of cereal.
If you have an epidural during labor, your baby might be sleepy at first - but you can still successfully breastfeed.
When you are done with steps 1 & 2 and then u place baby down to bed, do u make sure baby still awake but sleepy or ok to be asleep?
If you're on a tight budget, still looking for a supreme quality crib mattress, you can consider Simmons Kids Beautyrest Beginnings Ultra Deluxe Sleepy Whispers 2 in 1 mattress.
Once we got home, they were still too sleepy and weak to nurse.
put your baby to bed while he is sleepy, but still awake, which means that he hasn't fallen asleep eating or being rocked in your arms
To encourage self - soothing, put your baby into her crib while she is sleepy but still awake.
Alex is still not enjoying getting changed after bath time in the evening, as soon as he is out of the bath he wants his sleepy breastfeed straight away, patience is something he still needs to learn!
Should baby begin to stir naturally, the calming drone of the white - noise machine provides comfort, encouraging your still - sleepy baby to sink back into a deep sleep.
It was still early (we have to feed the baby before sleepy time) so the restaurant was pretty empty.
But occasionally if I catch him when he's just woken up and still too sleepy to realise what's happening I'll get a cuddle out of him.
Put him down while he's sleepy but still awake, so he can settle himself and learn to fall asleep on his own.
When the baby is sleepy but still awake, gently place her in the crib, while patting her and telling her it's time to sleep.
The key here is to put baby down into her crib when she is sleepy but still awake!
Naps in the house just do not happen unless I feed him to sleep and then I find myself trapped under my sleepy boy for ages, the pile of washing still untouched and the dirty dishes left to stew in the sink.
After I accepted that my daughter just was not a child who was going to sleep for long stretches at night (she will be two soon and still wakes to nurse every two or three hours), it stopped bothering me, and now I, too, take those quiet moments to breathe in her baby hair smell and listen to her small sleepy sounds.
You still may need to wake your baby to feed him or her because babies are usually sleepy for the first month.
I still get a little sleepy wheny I nurse but during the first couple months I couldn't keep my eyes open!
Or, do you put baby down when his eyes are still open but getting sleepy?
Learn the sleepy cues: he's sleepy if he rubs his eyes, swats at his ears, whines at the slightest stimuli, becomes quiet and still, yawns a lot, or loses interest in people and toys.
I still co sleep and I keep going and getting her sleepy and putting her in the crib almost asleep and she'll wake up and grab my hand as I'm laying her down then she looks at me with those big watery eyes and I just break down and bring her back to bed with me... I'm a single mom so the only dad in our lives saying anything is my dad lol.
re other methods that we tried: In addition to all the lovely, sleepy bedtime things that became our routine (bath, lotion, nurse, book, lullabies, white noise, swaddling), we tried rocking and walking at different paces and just sitting and holding her while being still.
I still have a very forceful letdown so sleepy eating works well for us but awake feeds are the issue.
Because babies really should be put down when they are sleepy but still a little bit awake.
Some experts suggest putting your baby down when he's sleepy but still awake.
Simmons Beauty Rest Sleepy Whispers Mattress Simmons made a non-toxic, chemical free, natural cotton crib mattress that still meets and exceeds the set safety standards.
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