Sentences with phrase «stimulate uterine»

«These stimulate uterine growth of infant rats following painting their skin with concentrations similar to those in sunscreens,» he said.
When a mother dog is stuck in incomplete labor the first thing I do is administer oxytocin and calcium to stimulate uterine contractions.
PGF also has the ability to stimulate uterine contractions, which may contribute to its abortifacient activity.
EPO can stimulate uterine contractions, which is disruptive when egg may be implanting.
It also helps stimulate uterine contractions, and reduces postpartum hemorrhage the way oxytocin does.
Fenugreek extract may cause hypoglycemia, and stimulate uterine contractions, so pregnant women should avoid it [1,7].
A chemical series called Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract.
The progesterone is simply causing the body to ride itself of excess stored estrogen, which can sometimes stimulate a uterine shedding?
In fact taken internally it can cause raging diarrhea (the idea is this will also stimulate uterine contractions).
Orgasms promote the release of oxytocin and can therefore stimulate uterine contractions during late pregnancy.
Robin Kaplan:... you know, you bring... you both bring up a very good point, of this sense of relaxation and that's because breastfeeding stimulates the release of a hormone called Oxytocin and what that is, is not only does it you know, stimulate uterine contractions, which we'll talk about in Mother's Health and things like that, but it also promotes the development of maternal behavior and bonding.
The concerns were that breastfeeding could deprive the developing baby of nutrients or stimulate uterine contractions (because breastfeeding causes increased oxytocin levels, which also can cause uterine contractions).
Oxytocin helps women get through labour by stimulating uterine contractions, which is why it's sometimes administered (as Pitocin) during labor.
Oxytocin is the hormone naturally released by the body that stimulates uterine contractions which helps sperm reach their end goal of implantation.
One study showed that epidurals may decrease the release of PGF2 alpha, a lipid compound that stimulates uterine contractions to start labor.
«It is now well established that oxytocin, as well as stimulating uterine contractions and milk ejection, promotes the development of maternal behavior and also bonding between mother and offspring.
There are only three events in your life that trigger oxytocin release: nipple stimulation (like when I'm breastfeeding), labor (the oxytocin released during childbirth stimulates uterine contractions, which is why nipple stimulation might be suggested when labor stalls, and also explains why sometimes, after you breastfeed me, you feel an increased expulsion of lochia and maybe some cramping), and... orgasm!!
This toxic steroid derivative disrupts red blood cells and should be avoided during pregnancy as it can induce miscarriage by stimulating uterine blood flow
After peaking, just like estrogen, progesterone then takes a dip, which stimulates the uterine lining to shed, resulting in menstruation, in which the entire cycle begins again.
Following estrus or «heat», progesterone levels remain elevated for several weeks, stimulating the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for pregnancy.

Not exact matches

They can cause uterine contractions since they stimulate the nipples.
Increased levels of oxytocin stimulate postpartum uterine contractions, minimizing blood loss and encouraging rapid uterine toning.9, 13
This hormone makes a new mother responsive to bonding with her baby, and stimulates breast milk production and uterine contractions.
Syncytin - 1 then stimulates the release of enzymes that break down the uterine lining, allowing the blastocyst to implant itself and start to develop a placenta.
Crucially, oxytocin stimulated an increase in NAADP in rat uterine tissue.
In humans, oxytocin stimulates milk ejection during lactation, uterine contraction during birth, and is released during sexual orgasm in both men and women.
While orgasming, your uterus is stimulated to contract, which can cause the uterine lining to expel quicker, meaning a shorter bleeding phase overall.
That means estrogen will not be as effective at getting it's jobs done — stimulating and building the uterine lining among other things.
Treatments include the oxytocin drug called Pitocin, uterine massage to stimulate your uterus, a blood transfusion if there's massive blood loss, and hysterectomy if there's damage to your uterus.
Estrogen stimulates the buildup of uterine tissue, but there's no need to take that much estrogen to feel healthy and balanced.
One of progesterone's key jobs is to stimulate the growth of the uterine lining to prepare it for the implantation of a fertilized egg, so our progesterone levels are at their highest in the luteal phase of our cycles, directly after ovulation.
According to beauty guru / healer / inspiration / friend Shiva Rose (whose entire title I wish to adopt as my own, but that's another article), «Jade eggs can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy and invigorate our life force.»
Raspberry leaf extract apparently contains a component that stimulates contractions of the smooth muscle in the uterine wall; these are toning contractions.
The actions have a calming effect on the uterine muscles while stimulating and regulating the blood flow.
Medication can be administered to stimulate contractions of the uterus if uterine inertia is suspected as being the cause.
This estrogen will stimulate the contraction of uterine muscles, so this is when the menstrual cycle begins.
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