Sentences with phrase «stimulating specific areas of the brain»

To signal which direction to move, the researchers generated a phosphene through transcranial magnetic stimulation, a well - known technique that uses a magnetic coil placed near the skull to directly and noninvasively stimulate a specific area of the brain.
Once I obtained aggressive behaviors in rats by stimulating specific areas of the brain, I started asking whether they liked or disliked the feelings by having them press a lever to turn the stimulation on or off.

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In this study, the researchers stimulated specific areas in the brains of mice and recorded the evoked brain activity.
Neural probes with high spatial resolution are needed for both recording and stimulating specific functional areas of the brain.
But when Sirigu and colleagues used transcranial magnetic stimulation — a technique that employs magnetic fields to excite neurons in the brain — to stimulate specific fragments of the motor cortex, they found that the «hand areas» in the motor cortex of both men had reassumed their original «wiring.»
While performing different mudras with our hands, a specific energy circuit is created in the body and those concerned areas of the brain are stimulated.
In functional neurology, we use specific exercises and activities to dampen areas of the brain that are over responsive to stress and stimulate those areas that can help control the fear response.
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