Sentences with phrase «stinky cheese»

The phrase "stinky cheese" refers to cheese that has a strong and unpleasant smell. Full definition
That said, her Lane Smith isn't Stinky Cheese Man after all.
Stereotypes about Parisians are well known: the snobbery, the love of stinky cheese, the baguette under the arm and the
Crisse, love that your kids like stinky cheese... awesome!!
(We still drool remembering the included French wines and yummy stinky cheeses on French - flagged Ponant, the latest small ship line to woo us over.)
Yes to stinky cheese!!!
I can't stop drooling over that glorious oozing stinky cheese — I've never tried Limburger but now I don't think I can go on without it — pinning!
Stinky cheese fans will fall hard for this shop inside Union Market, where the refrigerated display cases are filled with unique cheese made both locally, like That'll Do Ewe...
There, cashews became stinky cheese for salads... ricotta - like cheese for ravioli... and best of all, ice cream.
I think most fat - free cheeses stink (and not in the good stinky cheese way), but fat - free feta is actually quite good on salads.
Her greatest surprise was the difference between her own two picky eaters and seemingly all of the children in France, who happily ate stinky cheeses, all sorts of vegetables, and fish, which her own children wouldn't even consider putting in their mouths.
To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi - glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living.
You can also leave yourself voice notes (although that demo didn't work on stage) and ask Google questions, in case you need help identifying unfamiliar stinky cheeses on a restaurant menu and you're too shy to ask the waiter but not too shy to ask your watch.
Of course, there are other generational illustrators and like Smith, they too have carved out their own niche, but there is only one Stinky Cheese Man.
Then Stephanie Klett, the official Limburger Queen, sits down with us to talk about the «king of stinky cheeses
And if you are like me and just can't do Goat Cheese (so weird — I like some of the stinkiest cheeses known to man, but Goat Cheese just doesn't do it for me), you can probably substitute Boursin spread, ricotta cheese, cream cheese (plain or some flavored variety), or any other soft spreadable cheese.
A baguette, the tupperware of tapenade, and a container of creamy, stinky cheese.
Love all that «stinky cheese» goodness!
If you've never heard of it, which I hadn't until I moved to Wisconsin, it's known as the stinky cheese.
The cheeses are classified into categories including fresh and young cheeses, mild aged cheeses, medium strength and nutty cheeses, and strong and stinky cheeses.
The kids can have rice with a hard - boiled egg, some greens, and a slice of cheese and us grown - ups can enjoy a few bolder flavors like chiles, stinky cheese, bitter greens, etc..
Michiana - based food writer with a fondness for garlic, freshly baked bread, stinky cheese, dark beer, and Mexican food — who believes that immersing herself in different cultures one bite at a time is the best path to enlightenment.
We all have grand images of picking up a baguette, some stinky cheese, olives, and thinly sliced prosciutto then gallivanting off to the park.
The Stinky Cheese Man!
Avoid tuna, garlic, liverwurst, stinky cheeses, and leftovers.
December 6: Sing along with five little ducks and a hippopotamus as the story of the Stinky Cheese Man comes alive during this Shadow Puppet Show (Boston)
The stinky cheese also illustrates the power of culture over our minds.
I must admit I like a pretty cheese platter with an assortment of soft, hard, stinky, and not - so - stinky cheeses, served with some nice crackers and fig jam.
The second course was a choice of salad, I went with the house salad that had bacon, pears, a stinky cheese I didn't eat and honey mustard dressing.
Michiana - based food writer with a fondness for garlic, freshly baked bread, stinky cheese, dark beer, and Mexican food — who believes that immersing herself in different cultures one bite at a time is the best path to enlightenment.
GUYS READ: Helping Boys Become Better Readers, Better Students, Better Guys Jon Scieszka is author of many popular childrens» books including The Stinky Cheese Man and Math Curse.
Not one that's created by the imaginative team of Jon Scieszka (The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales), Mac Barnett (Extra Yarn) and illustrator Matthew Myers (Clink).
Smith is the illustrator behind several Caldecott Honor - winning picture books, including The Stinky Cheese Man and Grandpa Green.
For another take on getting kids — especially boys — to read, see our interview with reading advocate (and all - around hilarious dude — he did write The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, after all) Jon Scieszka.
Jon Scieszka — author of hilarious children's classics like The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs — is the king of boy books.Although he doesn't want to be pegged as an author who only writes for boys («I have some of the craziest girl fans!»)
-LSB-...] Lane Smith and Jon Scieszka really inspired me with The Stinky Cheese Man, which is still so hilarious to me.
Stephanie Klett, Wisconsin's Secretary of Tourism and the official Limburger Queen, sits down with us to talk about the «king of stinky cheeses» and how Monroe is the only location in Wisconsin making it.
Finally, shower often but avoid scented cosmetics — mosquitoes love perfumes, as well as smelly feet (and stinky cheese).
Stereotypes about Parisians are well known: the snobbery, the love of stinky cheese, the baguette under the arm and the cigarette on the lips.
Yet I think that many parents will naturally do many of the things that the book recommends, and I liked the advice from author Jon Sciezka (of The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, among other books): «I would be careful about abusing the idea of «interactive reading» with kids.
Our oldest daughter, now 23, said to be sure and mention the Magic Tree House series, Stinky Cheese Man, and the Amelia Bedelia books.
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