Sentences with phrase «stinky stuff»

The phrase "stinky stuff" refers to things that have a strong, unpleasant smell. Full definition
Rolling in Stinky Stuff Why would a perfectly normal dog choose to roll around in garbage, dung, or rotting corpses?
She put form before function Considering what she and her family do with a car — they are avid naturalists and drive their car to the weirdest places, filling it with all kinds of stinky stuff — you'd think function would have come first.
Whenever toxic chemicals are sprayed into the air to cover up bathroom odors and other stinky stuff, those particles eventually land on our skin, on the floor, on the surfaces we touch.
Hi Nadia — I have been making my own deodorant for about a year and a half now, with shea butter as my base, and then adding coconut oil and essential oils, cornstarch, etc for the non stinky stuff.
Keep an eye out for garbage, dead animals, or generally stinky stuff.
As a volunteer who works with our forgotten kittens, I spend a lot of time trying to get frightful felines to lick stinky stuff off spoons, popsicle sticks, even fingers.
Instead of using plug - in air fresheners, stock up on plants that improve indoor air quality to help keep your room smelling fresh without all that toxic stinky stuff.
Experts believe dogs roll in stinky stuff to mask their own scent, making it easier to sneak up on prey.
One day I put a sprayer on top of a peroxide brown bottle, and sprayed her stinky stuff and let it sit for a few hours, or over night, and, I swear the smell is gone before I even wash them.....
The stinky stuff gets looked at from many angles here.
Filed Under: A Green Home Tagged With: Ac Filter, Air Circulation, Baking Soda, Beef Stew, Citrus Oils, Cotton Wick, Crockpot, Doors And Windows, Emergency Mode, Garbage Cans, Garbage Disposal, Home Sweet Home, Launder, Laundry Basket, Minute Increments, Musty Smell, Natural Carpet, Natural Cotton, Open Doors, Pet Areas, Recliners, Stinky Stuff, Sugar Cookies, Water Down
Why on earth would our dogs enjoy rolling in disgusting, stinky stuff?
Humping, poop eating, reverse sneezing, tail chasing, rolling in stinky stuff — we get to the bottom of it!
They roll in stinky stuff.
There are certain concrete truths in the whole of video gaming: Bowser will always kidnap Princess Peach, and Mario will always go after her; Master Chief can always be awakened when the stinky stuff hits the fan to fight... Read More
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