Sentences with phrase «stock footage shots»

There are a few stock footage shots that show scratches, but the original content is largely free of imperfections and anomalies.
A murky, brain - dead stab - a-thon packed with so many inane chases, laughable special effects, and mismatched stock footage shots that it begs to be made into a drinking game, London Has Fallen is one of those rare films that is good at absolutely nothing.

Not exact matches

The images abound in stock video footage accompanying stories on evangelicals, the religious right, megachurches and the culture wars — the obligatory shots of middle - class worshipers, usually white, in corporate - looking auditoriums or sanctuaries, swaying to the electrified music of «praise bands,» their eyes closed, their enraptured faces tilted heavenward, a hand (or hands) raised to the sky.
The images abound in stock video footage accompanying stories on evangelicals, the religious right, megachurches and the culture wars — the obligatory shots of middle - class worshipers, usually white, in corporate - looking auditoriums or sanctuaries, swaying to the electrified music of «praise bands,» their eyes closed, their enraptured faces tilted heavenward, a hand (or hands) raised to...
Gone are the ludicrous but gorgeously choreographed set pieces Fuqua is known for, replaced by generically brown villains, incompetently choreographed action, and jarringly stock footage stitched together with badly mismatched sound stage shots.
You do wonder why director Rob Marshall bothered to shoot all this stuff again what with the stock footage his predecessor Gore Verbinski got in the can on previous voyages.
Shamefully lazy in almost every way, you'll find yourself laughing more at the obvious use of old stock Navy footage for the external shots than anything the screenwriters are able to muster in this vapid script.
But if it's a B - movie by definition — it runs a mere 65 minutes and makes the most of minimal resources: New York is a stock street set surrounded by stock footage, hobo camps and rail - side meadows are tiny studio sets with painted backdrops, and the few location shots are surely just down the street from the studio lot — it's a B - movie with ambition.
(Part of this is undoubtedly the result of the number of stock shots and second - unit footage deployed to try to convince viewers that they are in a particular place and time and not in Bulgaria.)
Aside from using a few seconds of stock footage of the real San Pedro Town, the entirety of the episode was a mishmash of incorrect information and scenes shot on a Hollywood sound stage.
Magdy utilizes an array of classical and unconventional media, from spray paint and colored crayons, to chemically altered film stock, photographs and film footage shot by the artist.
The Cremaster Cycle was all shot on video, but the footage is transferred to 35 mm film stock for projection.
The opening salvo of stock footage of «domestic bliss» (young families beaming at each other across their spotless kitchens) was in keen opposition to the closing shot of Keil waving from her balcony atop a Chicken Cottage in Shoreditch.
Documented all information pertaining to final product, such as shot footage, stock photo, video footage and invoices.
«The Gates»; Maysles Films, Inc. 2003 — 2005 Associate Producer, Production Manager Hired and managed 76 - person crew; lead fundraising; uncovered personal stories of «The Gates» for each shooting team to follow; served as Field Producer with several teams in Central Park over 60 shooting days; secured all locations; coordinated press; supervised Music and Stock Footage research and licensing.
We go above the call of duty, in order to ensure that a video that is produced for you is comprised of Febre Shots and we will never use stock footage.
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