Sentences with phrase «stock questions»

Part of this is probably the desire to get back in the media or a newfound freedom to test some new post-retirement boundaries, but I can't help but also feel that this is just part of the set of stock questions that unimaginative journalists ask him whenever the big races come around.
rather than the tried and tested stock question about Giroud.
Perhaps you're bummed about missing the presentation at Comic - Con today, but really, you mostly just missed standing in line to tiny celebrities far away on a stage giving boilerplate answers stock questions (unless Lawrence adorkably goes off the script).
McGarr urges prospective hires to reword stock questions in a way that make the interviewer feel like the question was posed for her specifically.
Cover Strengths and Weaknesses Envisage the type of stock questions that the executive recruiter will fire at you during the interview for this executive opportunity.
There followed a huge din as everyone launched at once into the stock questions: «How are you?
The spokesperson was then asked the stock question for senior politicians facing turbulence: does the prime minister have full confidence in the secretary of state?
It's a movie for the old, and those dealing with the philosophical, taking - stock questions of life.
The screen shot sample of the application's interface shows that one of the stock questions begins «Is it fair to say».
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