Sentences with phrase «stomach contents»

"Stomach contents" refers to the substances or food that are located inside the stomach. Full definition
Pressure on this muscle causes it to lose effectiveness, allowing stomach contents to rise into the throat.
Remember that domestic dogs share genetics with wild dogs and wolves that wholly eat their kill, including stomach contents like grass and berries.
Furthermore, gastric bypass operations that move stomach contents too rapidly through the small intestine cause «dumping syndrome,» which has a host of unpleasant symptoms.
The fish's stomach contents showed the researchers what they had recently eaten.
The fossil bird's stomach contents also contained a few bits of small insects.
Because your baby has an immature digestive tract, occasionally stomach contents will come back up.
The restaurant was extremely concerned, but other than burning cheeks and a panic over my dress, I felt much better once I had relieved myself of my offending stomach contents.
In fact, most «wild» cats would only eat plants in the form of stomach contents of smaller prey they'd eat whole.
Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the backing up of stomach contents into the throat.
Raw foods formulated with cats in mind offer raw meat as the base, with supplemental nutrition derived from whole food sources like fruits and vegetables (ground fine to mimic what produce would be found in stomach contents of prey).
Having your baby's head and upper body slightly elevated during sleep can help keep stomach contents from entering the esophagus, keeping your baby calm during sleep.
Reflux is when stomach contents back up into a baby's esophagus.
GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a chronic condition that occurs when stomach contents wash up into the throat.
It is most often caused by hormone changes during pregnancy causing the muscles of the digestive tract and the opening of the esophagus to relax too much, allowing for stomach contents to splash back up.
They also consume undigested stomach contents which frequently includes various fruits and vegetables.
Administering the gripe water too soon after feeding may cause vomiting because your baby is too full and the ingredients may not mix well with stomach contents.
The upright positioning of babywearing helps keeps stomach contents down and promotes healthy digestion for your baby.
The other is turned on when an insect regurgitates stomach contents containing microbes onto the plant triggering a response by the plant to microbial pathogens that uses salicylic acid.
Food and gasses put pressure on the stomach, causing stomach contents (including stomach acid) to leak back into the esophagus.
You can often times find chicken necks, turkey necks, chicken or turkey feet, liver, hearts, pork necks and riblets, tripe or other stomach contents, cow tongue, and many other meat products which are difficult to sell.
This is a natural way of preventing stomach contents along with the acid from refluxing back in the esophagus.
«There is already evidence from fossilized stomach contents that ancient sharks like Orthacanthus preyed on amphibians and other fish, but this is the first evidence that these sharks also ate the young of their own species.»
It normally stops by the time a baby is a year old, when the ring of muscle at the bottom of their oesophagus fully develops and stops stomach contents leaking out.
The analysis of individual bowhead whale stomach contents revealed the broad foraging spectrum of bowhead whales including a dominant contribution of the epibenthic mysid species, Mysis oculata, along with arctic copepods Metridia longa and Calanus spp. and the amphipod Themisto spp. and Onisimus spp. (Pomerleau et al. 2011b).
«Ninety percent of Laysan albatross chick carcasses and regurgitated stomach contents contain plastics.
A huge amount of data on stomach contents collected during the days of commercial whaling is equally relevant today
Studies have found that from 10 to 35 percent of patients who receive CPR inhale stomach contents, emitted after air is blown into the stomach rather than to the lungs.
Heartburn is actually the symptom associated with acid reflux or GERD, and it can be caused by high OR low stomach acid levels (with low levels, it does not trigger the closing of our lower esophagus and so stomach contents can splash up more easily).
In the well - preserved stomach contents of a fossil bird unearthed in the Messel Pit, the scientists discovered fossilized pollen grains.
Vegetable matter would be obtained mostly from the partially digested stomach contents of such prey.
Is it, perhaps that the certainties of abstract monochrome paintings as the clean, minimal sign for painting has slipped, perhaps messily, into a world of commodification, of lipstick, whale stomach contents and selfie poses.
If they vomit while under they can potentially aspirate stomach contents into the lungs which is life - threatening.
Stomach Ulcers Caffeine speeds up the process of gastric emptying, which may result in highly acidic stomach contents passing into the small intestine more rapidly than normal, causing injury or ulcers.
Eventually, the LES will open only when your baby swallows and will remain tightly closed at other times, keeping stomach contents where they belong.
Heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus caused by acidic stomach contents creeping back up after eating.
If your baby has a chronic cough or wheeze, it could be caused by the acidic stomach contents irritating the esophagus.
A study of frozen stomach contents and frozen DNA found in the dirt across the Arctic suggests that the ice - age megafauna primarily ate a richer class of plants called forbs.
Determining how such departures and arrivals influence complicated marine food webs will be difficult work, she says, involving laborious field surveys and careful counts of jellyfish stomach contents.
They clarified dolphins» feeding patterns (by analyzing stomach contents); showed a connection between high levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons in dolphins» blood and immune - system dysfunction; learned how dolphins interact with increasing boat traffic; did field tests to see if calves responded to their mothers» signature whistles (they did); and used dna analysis to determine dolphin social structure.
With plesiosaur stomach contents showing fish were a main prey item, this explanation is widely accepted.
When you cough or breathe deeply, your abdominal pressure increases and puts more pressure on the LES as it tries to contain stomach contents below the diaphragm.
Eating too much immediately before bed can make stomach contents splash up.
Luckily we had a cabin where we could empty our bowels and stomach contents at will!
The endotracheal tube allows controlled respirations if the patient is not breathing well on his or her own, and prevents accidental inhalation of stomach contents if the pet vomits under anesthesia.
Grass is also part of a carnivore's diet, usually consumed when they feed on smaller prey and consume the entire animal, including grassy stomach contents.
Stomach contents become trapped causing further expansion of the stomach.
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