Sentences with phrase «stomach for the fight»

Winning and losing is part of the game and each year only one team wins the ultimate prize, but at least let's show stomach for a fight and respect for the shirt!
In a sign that Paris has little stomach for a fight over global warming, Francois Fillon, the Prime Minister, urged the European Union to retreat over plans to tax airlines for emitting greenhouse gases.
I love it how Wilshere headbutted Fellani, shows the stomach for a fight.
Let's be honest - there was a reason Real Madrid let him go - he wants to be protected, and does not have the stomach for a fight.
But Mr Hoyle has the stomach for a fight and will, at any rate, be prepared to go down fighting.
«If you saw those pics of me on the beach in Cornwall you know I've got the stomach for the fight... You keep your shirt on, I'll keep the lights on!»
«I say to the merchants of doom - in the words of Shakespeare's Henry V - if you have no stomach for this fight, depart the battlefields.»
However, the market has changed with the newrivals threatening to challenge the Macan's crown, so does it have the stomach for a fight?
While Tea Party astro - turfers, the US Congress House of Representatives, and Republican Presidential Primary candidates all agree that nothing is what gets done, and as long as Obama has no stomach for the fight, government will do nothing more.
We had the opportunity to go head to head and have a third party declare who was right and who was wrong, and we ran away, didn't have the stomach for the fight
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