Sentences with phrase «stop after the first few months»

But I've found that mothers who don't breastfeed at all, or who stop after the first few months, receive the greatest criticism and disapproval, especially from other mothers.

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It is not easy for grievers to resist flight from the pain of grief, and it is a slander to suggest that those who refuse so stop grieving openly when most do so — after the first few weeks or months — are somehow «weak.»
«Some women may be able to maintain a good milk supply with a feeding schedule, but many, many will not, particularly after the first few months,» adds Huggins... «What Ezzo is saying «works» in that many babies do eventually stop crying as they become resigned to taking only small amounts of milk.
So the cracked nipples were hurting at each feed, particularly with the first few minutes after the latch on (looking back now I didn't really stop having pain during the feeds till he was one month old, but it diminished significantly after that second week).
Baby grunting may begin in the first month and stop or resolve on its own after a few weeks.
You should also contact your caregiver if you've stopped bleeding for a number of months and then begin again, or your vaginal bleeding persists or starts to get heavier instead of lighter, particularly after the first few months.
Short Life: As mentioned above the Motorola MBP36S Remote Wireless Video Baby Monitor often stops working correctly after the first few months of use.
Advanced Cancers Destined to Return After Single Drug Therapies Targeted cancer cell therapies using man - made proteins dramatically shrink many tumors in the first few months of treatment, but new research from Johns Hopkins scientists finds why the cells all too often become resistant, the treatment stops working, and the disease returns.
If your company only offers [glossary title = «Short - term disability insurance» text = «Insurance that provides income replacement for the first few weeks or months after a disability forces you stop working.»
We stopped fighting about anything within the first few months of marriage, things which remained unresolved after 20 years of endless fighting with my ex wife, were dealt with the first time in the first three months of our marriage and never returned again.
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