Sentences with phrase «stop building pipelines»

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While Quebec, historically more likely to claim provincial independence on issues involving the federal government, leans toward the right of provincial governments to stop pipelines from being built through their jurisdiction, the rest of the country is more federally inclined.
Julia Walsh, with Frack Action, says she hopes that the governor will now act to stop the expansion or building of new gas pipelines in Westchester County, near the Indian Point Nuclear power plant, and upstate across Schoharie, Albany and Rensselaer counties.
Representing a smattering of different environmental advocacy groups from around the state, about 250 protesters held signs calling on officials and lawmakers to prohibit any more natural gas pipelines being built in New York, to stop the construction of a proposed liquid natural gas storage facility next to Seneca Lake, and to shift the state's energy production to greener fuel sources....
The finding will step up the pressure on US president Barack Obama to stop the pipeline being built.
WHEREAS the president's harmful campaign promises included building a wall and deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants, creating a registry for Muslims living in the U.S. and implementing stop and frisk policies that have targeted the African American community and will accelerate the school to prison pipeline.
It must also be about universal child - care, free college, taxing the wealthy and building the common good — strengthening our schools, stopping the school - to - prison - pipeline, and so much more.
That means that if the manufacturer stopped building that vehicle today, there are enough in the pipeline, and in retail inventories, to last for 30 days before they run out, given the current rate of sales.
Who cares about 8 % unemployment, the flatlined economy, abandoning Americans to die in Bengahzi, Joe Biden's buffonery, fast & furious, national debt, USA credit downgrade, trillion dollar annual budget deficits, deliberate sabotage of the coal industry, ACORN, failed foreign policy (Iran with nuclear weapons, bowing to China, stiffing U.K and Israel, etc) abysmal people judgement (Biden again, plus H. Clinton, T, Geithner; K. Sebelius; E. Holder, etc), stopping the pipeline for Canadian oil, blocking drilling in US land, secret «kill lists», ObamaCare, attacking religious liberty, you didn't build that, unseemly chest - pounding over bin Laden (GM is dying but bin Laden is coming back to life), 20 years of Jeremiah Wright, failure of crony capitalism deals with Solyndra - NextEra — Ener1 — Solar Trust etc., over 100 rounds of golf in 1st 3 yrs, choom, the Chevy Volt, insisting the Ft Hood massacre was «workplace violence», secret college transcripts, «clearly the Boston police acted stupidly», disregard of the Simpson - Bowles budget recommendations (after commissioning their work), and lots more irrelevant stuff.
The reality was that the pipeline would only create about 35 permanent jobs in the US and a few thousand over the course of its construction, about the same amount of construction used in building a subway stop or a small mall.
Victories were seen on four continents: in Bolivia a draconian response to protestors embarrassed the government, causing them to drop plans to build a road through Tipnis, an indigenous Amazonian reserve; in Myanmar, a nation not known for bowing to public demands, large protests pushed the government to cancel a massive Chinese hydroelectric project; in Borneo a three - year struggle to stop the construction of a coal plant on the coast of the Coral Triangle ended in victory for activists; in Britain plans to privatize forests created such a public outcry that the government not only pulled back but also apologized; and in the U.S. civil disobedience and massive marches pressured the Obama Administration to delay a decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring tar sands from Canada to a global market.
We can spend billions to build this pipeline and the new tar sands mines required to fill it or we can invest those dollars in solutions that end our addiction to oil, improve the health of our communities and stop climate change.
More about pipeline projects: Help Stop Three More Bad Energy Decisions From Russia With LNG: US - Bound Natural Gas Piped Across Mexican Border Goldman Environmental Prize Winner Marina Rikhanova Rockies Express Pipeline Sues Ohio Property Owners To Take Their Land Farmers Fight Pipeline to Be Built through Illinois
But to convince the world's leaders to obey the math — to stop any new mines or wells or pipelines from being built — we will need a movement like the one that blocked the Keystone pipeline and fracking in New York and Arctic drilling.
With the SolarCity renewable energy pipeline potentially becoming part of Tesla (and with SolarCity building its own solar module «gigafactory» in Buffalo, NY), and the Tesla Gigafactory getting set to mass produce residential battery storage units (Powerwalls), when it all comes together, homeowners and businesses may have a one - stop - shop for their renewable electricity needs.
No, pesky little details like lacking a permit from the State Department aren't going to stop TransCanada from building a massive oil pipeline through the heart of the United States.
Stopping the northern half of that pipeline from being built certainly won't halt global warming by itself.
Among those arrested today was award - winning novelist, BC writer, Shaena Lambert, who pledged to do what it takes to stop the pipeline being built.
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