Sentences with phrase «stop chest beating»

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Just as the song begins to fit into a niche, it stops to breath, leaving nothing but the piano line and then some choir - y organ as the lyrics begin to confess, And here I stand a broken man / If I could I would raise my hands / I come before you humbly / If I could I'd be on my knees / Come lay down your head upon my chest / Feel my heart beat feel my unrest / If Jesus could only wash my feet / Then I'd get up strong and muscle on.
i think its funny how catholics standup beat chest about how great and holy they are by helping the poor, stopping abortion while OPENLY denying thousand of peoples cry about pedaphile priests....
DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee has redesigned the yellow ninja in order to fit into the comic universe, and it is good to see that the very first guy I learned how to play as in Mortal Kombat is still beating the snot out of everyone after all these years (not even alternate dimensions can stop him from harpooning fools in the chest).
Researchers found that the odds that someone whose heart has stopped beating will survive goes up markedly when rescuers spend more time giving chest compressions.
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