Sentences with phrase «stop listening to your commands»

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for a Christian, your statement («stop trying to make everyone listen» — aside from being ostensibly self - refuting) openly contradicts Jesus» last command.
Training is all about «real life» scenarios, so we teach your puppy to stop biting, go to the bathroom outside, not to jump on people, walk well on leash, and listen to your obedience commands, so they become a polite member of your family.
Want your dog to stop jumping, pulling on the leash, and always listen to your commands?
He may not know basic commands like sit and stay, but he listens to odd random commands like «stop don't pee on the couch!»
Training focuses on «real life» scenarios, so your dog learns to stop jumping on people, walk well on leash, listen to your obedience commands, and become a polite member of your family.
i live in Nigeria, and i have a 4 month old Caucasian shepherd i named her Paris, she is such a wonderful pup but very playful and stubborn and will refuse to listen to basic command like «go into your cage until i am wielding a stick or Cain then she runs off, still stopping at intervals looking back at me, for me to repeat command or get closer to her till she finally goes, she is such an intelligent breed, but pisses me off with her stubborn attitudes, she always jump at people and plays always with her teeth, not biting but just slightly trying to chew, i do nt know much about her temperament yet, but i take away her bowl of meal while eating and sometimes commands her to sit while eating and she listens, she plays rough a lot,
Initially she would pee on command on the pee tray but gradually she has stopped listening to me.
You can ask your dog for an alternate behavior, but they may not listen to your command until they stop doing that no - no.
If you see your dogs getting overly aroused, and especially, if they stop listening to you, it's time to step in and make everybody settle down, using a verbal command - «Chill!»
A couple of other tips might help: you can turn on a notification sound to alert you when Alexa is listening (via Sounds on the device settings page), which might stop a few accidental commands getting through.
We occasionally find that Alexa gets bored and stops listening halfway through a command, and longer tasks really test the limit of Alexa's voice recognition, but it is nevertheless a useful function if you find yourself constantly thinking of things to do before you fall asleep last thing at night.
Obviously it's only supposed to listen when you issue a command, but in dystopian Big Brother nightmares, turning up the volume as you see in so many spy movies won't be enough to stop Google Home from hearing what you're saying; it is specifically designed to beam from and hear you!
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