Sentences with phrase «stops breathing»

About Blog Pregnancy blog by Owlet - The world's first smart baby monitor that is designed to alert you if your child stops breathing in the middle of the night, so you can rest assured.
Alternating expressions of domination and pathos, the fishermen forcefully yet tenderly embrace each fish until it stops breathing.
The tonic phase is the period in which the dogs falls, assumes a rigid posture, becomes unconscious and stops breathing.
Apnea is when your dog stops breathing while he or she is sleeping for long periods of time.
Do you know what to do if your dog stops breathing?
This tube enables us to breathe for the rabbit if it stops breathing suddenly, and we only have seconds to save it.
Her head jerks farther back than you think possible and she stops breathing...
If your dog stops breathing, time is of the essence in order to save his life.
Remember, CPR should only be administered if your pet stops breathing and you can't feel his / her heart beat.
Occasionally, a dog abruptly stops breathing on induction - not to worry, so long as you're paying attention, this can be rectified immediately.
Monitoring: Most anesthetic emergencies start with respiratory arrest (the patient stops breathing).
We also use a special respiratory monitor that sounds an alarm when a pet stops breathing.
The other driver gets ejected and stops breathing.
If one stops breathing, the CO2 levels in your blood increase, which makes your blood more acidic.
If a person is overdosing and stops breathing, administering Naloxone can restore normal breathing and save a life.
Sometimes, they will even notice that their partner stops breathing for a few seconds, before gasping or snorting and falling back into a normal rhythm.
In 25 women with diet - controlled gestational (pregnancy) diabetes, the researchers found a 56 percent prevalence of OSA, a sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing for brief episodes during sleep.
The sufferer stops breathing for seconds or minutes, until the brain's alarm centers rouse him enough to tighten throat muscles.
It regularises the patient's breathing pattern throughout the night, rather than waiting until the patient stops breathing to react.»
With this condition, the baby stops breathing, the rate of heartbeat may decline, and the skin may become pale, purplish, or blue in color.
Most of the people would be happy to get any baby monitor that actually screens your baby's every breath as well as alerts when your baby stops breathing.
Owlet uses hospital technology, pulse oximetry, to monitor your little one's heart rate and oxygen, designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing.
Some of the tools are so sensitive that it also alarms when the baby stops breathing.
But if your baby stops breathing, touch or nudge her gently to see whether she responds.
It's designed to alert parents if the baby stops breathing at night.
During an apnea spell, a baby stops breathing; the heart rate may decrease; and the skin may turn pale or blue.
There are different types of sleep monitors available and they all work a little differently, but in general, most of them are designed to monitor your baby's breathing and alert a parent if the baby stops breathing.
There are also monitors available that let you know if your baby is moving around or that alert you in case your baby stops breathing.
A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that most SIDS deaths occur because the baby stops breathing for some reason and does not change positions to clear her airways.
These baby monitor mats will set off an alarm if baby stops breathing.
my son is 6 months old and we have a breathing monitor which lays under his mattress as he sleeps it goes of if your baby stops breathing for more than 20 seconds.
I could always hear my baby breathing - absolutely no need for one of those mattress underlays that ring an alarm if your baby stops breathing - much less stressful!
If the baby stops breathing after more than 8 - 10 seconds, turns blue after a few seconds, or still gasps / wheezes even after you wake and reposition them, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
Although some electronic home monitors can detect and sound an alarm when a baby stops breathing, there is no evidence that such monitors can prevent SIDS.
Any kind of bed - sharing increases the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)-- the unexpected death of an otherwise apparently healthy infant, who stops breathing during the night.
Why do you get an alert when someone «likes» your status but not when your baby stops breathing?
Product: Owlet Smart Sock Size: Fits a child up to 12 - 18 months Overall Rating: I give it a 7 out of 10 The Owlet is a baby monitor smart sock that's designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing.
Alerts you if your baby stops breathing through the main base and your smartphone (Iphone / ipad now, android ability coming in June 2016).
Specially for first time parents who are already terrified with the idea of taking care of a newborn baby because of how fragile they are, how new everything is, knowing that we will get notified if the baby stops breathing is definitely reassuring.
Light stage sleep is thought to be physiologically more appropriate and safer for babies, because it is easier to awaken to terminate apneas (episodes where one stops breathing), than it is when babies are in deeper stages of sleep.
Only dial 999 if you baby stops breathing or turns blue, is having issues breathing, is unconscious and unaware of it's surroundings, will not wake up or has suffered from a fit.
It is a story heard all too often and our worst nightmare - an infant stops breathing and dies while asleep.
If a baby stops breathing, a nurse stimulates the baby to start breathing by patting him or touching the soles of his feet.
As a baby stops breathing, the oxygen level in his blood falls and the level of carbon dioxide increases.
Here is a link to a good webpage that explains choking hazards, and what to do if your child stops breathing while choking.
happen when a child stops breathing and turns blue in the face.
There are reports from the Journal of the American Medical Association that warn specifically against parents using newer «smart» baby monitors that sync to their smart phone, to warn if their baby stops breathing.
Gently explain:» «Dead» means a person or animal stops breathing and his or her body doesn't work anymore.
Wearable baby monitors are designed to monitor a baby's heart rate and breathing and alert parents or caregivers if their baby stops breathing.
The heart can no longer pump the blood effectively and the victim collapses, stops breathing, becomes unresponsive, and has no detectable pulse.
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