Sentences with phrase «store by the merits»

It is also possible that, under A.V., swings could start to vary between seats even more than was the case on 6 May, if voters start to set even more store by the merits of individual candidates when allocating their preferences.

Not exact matches

Catholics teach that one can draw on the «treasury of merit» stored up for everyone by the righteousness of the saints and that one can benefit from the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
Catholic theology held that the monastics were drawing on a «treasury of merit» stored up by people who did good deeds, transferring a kind of payment to the divine accounts of those in moral arrears.
He said self - published writers would have to work to adhere to professional standards, working alongside stores to hold events and ensuring adequate distribution arrangements, but concluded: «We think that bookstores would benefit immensely by engaging in this process as well, considering self - published books on their merits and suitability for the store and not how they are produced.»
The scientists find much merit in pursuing further research on both, but only see practical prospects for capturing and storing carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas emitted by human activities.
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